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wtb : Dior 19cm / 21cm Indigo Raw size 28-29

just be eesy

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honestly, find out the correct size and dont settle for anything other than. these are 300 dollar jeans you are buying.. you loose the dior aesthetic any other way.

im located in the LA region and can pick a pair up for you if you like. you can also call the store yourself and get it shipped to your house (sometimes free of charge sometimes not).

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What's up SF,

I'm currently looking for a pair of, brand new or light worn, Indigo Raw Dior 19cm ( or 21cm ) denim. I prefer size 28, but can also manage a 29. I am Paypal verified, and located in Northern California.

Feel free to leave comment, or pm me.

Have you tried going to Saks in San Francisco? They had the 19cm in those sizes when I picked up a pair a few weeks ago.

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