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Chain Stitching in DC? (Besides Denim Bar)


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Anybody know a place to get denim hemmed and chain stitched in or around DC? Or the DC/MD/VA area? I know the Denim Bar hems denim but they don't hem denim that's not purchased from their store (at least that's what the clerk told me), and I was planning on purchasing some APC New Standards from a different source (Denim Bar is sold out and they said they wouldn't be receiving a new shipment for a while), but I want to get that long ass inseam hemmed. Any ideas?

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i know it's over here on the other coast but hollywood trading company has been taking a lot of shipped in jeans for chainstitching. i've had 2 pair done there and the work has been impeccable. i met glamroots (scott) the other day there when i picked up some sc's that were just hemmed. really nice guy and great store.

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