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Scott Storch and Timbaland Beef


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you guys are so pent up, its hilarious.

that justin timberlake album is awesome regardless of what you valiant knights of broke ass finnish video game music think. i don't care enough about justin timberlake or the people he stole from to bother with digging up any rebuttals.

i don't neccesarily respect any of these people. but i don't hate them and get into typing wars over it. but then again, maybe i'm out of the loop and TEH INTERNETS ARE SERIOUS BUSINESS.


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you do realize you're on a forum where discussion is encouraged and that giving people shit for having said discussions is like feeling high and mighty 'cause you

told the sky to 'stop acting so fucking blue', right? right.

NESK - yeah i produce... i guess if you can call it that. just out of my bedroom; ran a small label for experimental electronic music when i was finishing up high school, that stopped a year or two into college.

the mindless self indulgence album is called Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy, i think i might have it on my computer, or i might be able

to rip it from the CD.

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you're right.

i was wrong.

discussions are when everybody who bothers typing on a particular thread already agrees vehemently with your point of view and very aggressively try to shove it down the throats of others who don't agree. maybe if you weren't such a failure at music, you wouldn't be so bitter. there's no need to take things so seriously. nobody's going to steal from you anyways, calm down.

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i've taken the time to think about this, and

a. nobody shoved anything down anyone else's throat. they may have argued their points aggressively, but that's that.

b. you're so wrong about the second part that i won't grace you with an answer.

c. people have stolen from me in the past, actually, not on a major level, but it has happened, and that's why i'm passionate about the issue, and thus, argue my points passionately.

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omc laying it down icon14.gif

I'm all for timbo though, not a big storch fan except for some tracks. I'm obviously not liking this sampling controversy but that doesn't take away from some the good and dope stuff he has done.

Dirt Of You Shoulder shits on anything Storch has put out. my face was pretty much like Jay's when I first heard it, except my mouth was as open as timbo when dude ate that banana in one bite.


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I think Scott Storch isn't a very good producer. But this battle completely reminds me off Camron vs 50 Cent. Timbaland is pulling all the elitist shit, "I get half a mil for my beats" crap even though thats not the issue.

Just listen to Scott Storch's track. As a song, it's absolutely terrible. But he throws so many accusations at Timbaland, probably all of them true, that I have a lot of sympathy for it... Him jacking beats (probably more often than we know), being addicted to uppers, etc. Every single accusation on the track sounds like something I could imagine Timbaland doing.

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Tom Breihan wrote an article on the Village Voice website about this and he brings up a good point. If supposedly Scott Storch is bitter about Timbo jacking him beats, then why does nothing Scott Storch makes even gets close to the creativity that Tim's tracks have? Storch does make some good top 40 hip-pop tracks, but they are all minor organs and strings. He doesn't push the envelope at all as far as bringing new sounds in and changing what is and isn't acceptable in top 40 radio.

I think a whole lot of people care way too much about how a celebrity is too cocky and 'elitist'. Rap and hip-hop is built on aggressive competition and the ability to one-up the other. Bravado and extreme self confidence is to be expected.

It's all just entertainment. Bitter broke-ass DJs living in a shitty studio apartment shouldn't get their panties in a wad over how celebrities need to be 'taken down a notch.

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dude storch was an original member of the roots. they completely challenged and continue to challenge the mainstream aesthetic. and he ghost produced so much of dr dres shit its not funny. dre gets as much props as timbo if not more and its off the backs of guys like scott storch.

storch just has to sell his beats to retards like paris hilton because they need urban cred and hes known in the industry. but he cant work with the people timbo works with because he looks like a total tool and if you put him in your video people are gonna think you roll to the club with the chess team or the mathletes. thats not such a hot look, ya know.

and his beats arent necessarily lacking creativity. if anything, jacking fools like timbo does is failing in the creative department. lean back might not have been bethovens 5th, but its better than swiping someones video game soundtrack.

and if bravado, competetion and self confidence are to be expected than why reference soem shit someone wrote complaining about a battle?

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everyone in this thread who's lent their support to timbaland seems to have very, very shallow knowledge of

a. hip-hop

b. music production

c. the music industry

d. the actual situation people were discussing before they strolled

in and started all their egofaced shit-talking.

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This is old news but there is some RHCP track that sounds just like Tom Petty's "Mary Janes Last Dance"

In a interview with like Rolling stone or something Tom Petty said;

"I seriously doubt that there is any negative intent there. And a lot of rock 'n' roll songs sound alike. Ask Chuck Berry. The Strokes took 'American Girl' [for their song 'Last Nite'], and I saw an interview with them where they actually admitted it. That made me laugh out loud. I was like, 'OK, good for you' ... If someone took my song note for note and stole it maliciously, then maybe [i'd sue]. But I don't believe in lawsuits much. I think there are enough frivolous law suits in this country without people fighting over pop songs."

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everyone in this thread who's lent their support to timbaland seems to have very, very shallow knowledge of

a. hip-hop

b. music production

c. the music industry

d. the actual situation people were discussing before they strolled

in and started all their egofaced shit-talking.

shallow understanding or not, this is who you're defending.


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