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Dash Snow


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Being wealthy does not necessarily negate talent or authenticity or make you a cultural diletante. if i had some kind of finacial backing to fall on id live a much different lifestyle than the one im forced to live on now. why not jizz all over the paper? fuck it, dude prolly lives the life most of us wish we could. hes having fun. ultimately, thats what we all want, no?

I'm not talking about money or financial backing - everyone has money. That has nothing to do with it.

I'm saying that curators, collectors and gallerists have taken an interest in him because of his name. It is in their best interest to be involved with anyone named Menil.

Also, Dash Snow is not a grafitti artist. He may have once been, but that is not the Dash Snow we are talking about.

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and, the fact is that yes, anyone who was wealthy and had those sorts of destructive predilections would go for it, but the fact that it is that safety cushion of piles and piles of cash that protects them from the real, truly human and beautiful horror of leading a destructive lifestyle that negates some of their integrity. not all, mind you, because living it is more than half the battle, but Dash knows in the back of his head that he has a safety net.

Yeah, that too.

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Guest StuckOnStupid

I'm saying that curators, collectors and gallerists have taken an interest in him because of his name. It is in their best interest to be involved with anyone named Menil.


ecch. yr right. point taken.

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I'm saying that curators, collectors and gallerists have taken an interest in him because of his name. It is in their best interest to be involved with anyone named Menil.

Also, Dash Snow is not a grafitti artist. He may have once been, but that is not the Dash Snow we are talking about.

These two points are also something that everyone, even that silly chick from

New York Magazine, forgot to touch upon.

A lot of the elite's interest in Dash is the art world pandering to money, the same way it always has since Roman times. This will probably never, ever change: politics and cash flow drive the industry of art, and I sincerely feel sorry for namby-pamby artsy types that get chewed up by the system, because it isn't that hard to realize that very few people in the art world are in it for the love of art.

And, yeah, separating Dash Snow from SACE makes such a huge fucking difference-- it really is like two different people. I remember when I first saw the guy lolling about downtown after not having seen him for awhile, and I thought he was in costume. Then I realized the pixie boots were here to stay. Whatever.

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Guest StuckOnStupid

if we blow this up and paste dash's face on the family, and Dominique De Menil's on

the guy down low, that we can get Rivington Arms to represent us, too?

if i knew any other computer program besides internet explorer and the one that lets me steal music and naked movies. id be all over this...

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whatever. you're wrong.

i think what's interesting about his work is that it's totally bland.

writeups in general are very painful to read

I know you thought that this would be the kind of thing where you could use your superior intellect to make brash disagreements and expect people not to question them but would you care to elaborate on any of your "points" at all?

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entertainment ? art.

that's the most concise response i've seen to this scene. out of this discussion's context i don't think this really holds true, but with these photos, i see the gallery community jumping on them because it allows them to live vicariously through their crazy photos of their goodtimes.

its interesting that everything you read, dash shuns his pedigree and says he never lived off of that, but like you guys are saying, it is kind of a safety net.

who cares really... colen and mcginley are both pretty incredible artists. dash snow is almost 50/50 personality/work. in regards to him hating technology yet having digital outputs of his work, ryan mcginley manages and archives his stuff because he knows dash won't keep proper record. mcginley loves teh c prints.

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First off, I don't know Dash Snow personally, so I'm not going to comment on him as a human, other than that I've heard he's a nice guy.

Secondly, he is/was a member of IRAK and those guys did some wild things in addition to bombing NYC. You can't question the legitimacy of Snow as a writer, shoplifter, and downtown icon. He crushed NYC, and a lot of his shit is still running today. Additionally, he and Earsnot put etching on the map downtown. Most importantly, or rather significantly, he bombed the Brooklyn Bridge which is epic.

As far as his "actual art" goes, it's whatever. Take it or leave it. Love it or hate it. I don't think you can question his integrity just cause he's from the de Menil family. It's not like he uses it to his advantage. And it's not like he's going around dropping that name. If anything, he's tried to distance himself from that lineage to make a name for himself.

The Levy article, which I'm sure a lot (most) of you gained your knowledge of Snow through, was wack. It made Snow look like a fool and Colen/McGinley look like "legitimate artists". I'm not saying you should love his art, because I'm not that into myself. But I don't think you can question his credibility or heart.

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First off, I don't know Dash Snow personally, so I'm not going to comment on him as a human, other than that I've heard he's a nice guy. I don't think anyone has the right to

Secondly, he is/was a member of IRAK and those guys did some wild things in addition to bombing NYC. You can't question the legitimacy of Snow as a writer, shoplifter, and downtown icon. He crushed NYC, and a lot of his shit is still running today. Additionally, he and Earsnot put etching on the map downtown. Most importantly, or rather significantly, he bombed the Brooklyn Bridge which is epic.

As far as his "actual art" goes, it's whatever. Take it or leave it. Love it or hate it. I don't think you can question his integrity just cause he's from the de Menil family. It's not like he uses it to his advantage. And it's not like he's going around dropping that name. If anything, he's tried to distance himself from that lineage to make a name for himself.

The Levy article, which I'm sure a lot (most) of you gained your knowledge of Snow through, was wack. It made Snow look like a fool and Colen/McGinley look like "legitimate artists". I'm not saying you should love his art, because I'm not that into myself. But I don't think you can question his credibility or heart.

I think that what Dash Snow did with IRAK is very different from what he is doing today as an artist. I don't believe that any of the work he has shown lately reflects his past as a graf writer, etc. And his work with IRAK is not what got him into the Whitney Biennial.

And whether or not he is using his family to his advantage is not up to him – the point is that people know. He may try to distance himself from his family, and he may not be intentionally affecting his career because of it but he cannot escape who he is and that people are interested in him because he is a de Menil. It has helped forward his career – and may be the main reason he got to where he is today.

I think that most people in the art world would agree that the most interesting thing about Dash Snow is that he is a member of the de Menil family.

If he was serious about denouncing his name – then why is he making art?

And yeah, I've never met him, but I 've heard that he is a really nice guy.

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Can someone point me towards more interesting works Dash Snow has done? While I enjoy McGinley's photographs, they're not much different than the Dos & Don'ts section of Vice magazine. I can't get over the feeling that the Dash Snow and his entourage is nothing more than a PR campaign marketing the aimless trust fund hipster lifestyle to aging rich people who want to buy an identity and feel a connection to today's hip youth.

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Dash is an interminably nice guy the very few times I have come across him or been in the same place and seen him interact with others, and I'd never want to give the impression otherwise because that is taking things to a whole other level.

I still have to agree with DocGnar, though, because what went down when Dash was still tagging is like a world away from what Mr. Snow, gallery artist seems to be about. I say 'seems to be', because Dash has gone a little bit insane, not in a crazy woo-ha graf way, but in a, I think the police are bugging my phone and I'm fond of disappearing for days at a time crazy. And that makes it difficult to peg him down.

And yeah, the Levy article was a pile of fucking garbage that tore Dash down simply for his being the way he is, and gave Ryan and Dan all the play in the universe. Totally to be expected from NY Mag, though.

By the by, does anyone up here in the Northeast read The Journal magazine? Have you picked up the recent issue, Dash is the feature article, and it comes packaged with an extra 'zine of his more recent photography.

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For what it's worth, I don't think the photos on the tiny vices website were meant to be "art". I think he just snapped pics that happened to reflect the lifestyle he was living. I could be wrong though.

And while Snow might be paranoid about police or whatever, perhaps that's justified by past experiences and his graffiti roots. I certainly would want to be as unknown and elusive as possible if I bombed as much as him. (I also think the Levy article made him out to be more crazy than he is. Even still what person who has inhaled copious amounts of aeresol paint and acid etch bath fumes isn't a little bit crazy?)

Whatever though. I'm no artist or art critic so I don't really have much to say on this matter, other than that Sace was a prolific bomber.

BTW, isn't Dan Colen really fucking tall and skinny? I think I've seen him around the L.E.S. on a few occasions.

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And while Snow might be paranoid about police or whatever, perhaps that's justified by past experiences and his graffiti roots. I certainly would want to be as unknown and elusive as possible if I bombed as much as him. (I also think the Levy article made him out to be more crazy than he is. Even still what person who has inhaled copious amounts of aeresol paint and acid etch bath fumes isn't a little bit crazy?)

Yeah, the tiny vices stuff is definitely just meant to be taken at face value... people always use that as like a starting point for checking out the whole downtown art scene and that's stupid. It's not a textbook.

as far as Dash being insane, i'm not even thinking of the Levy article, i'm just thinking of personal anecdotes i've heard from people. i guess someone who has inhaled a shit ton of fumes, among lots of other stuff, is pretty much destined for a little out-there-ness, but who knows.

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im pretty sure his fmaily's name might have something to do with him getting away with bombing the brooklyn bridge. if your an imfamous writer, that shit doesnt fly unless you have a get out of jail free card.

or maybe im wrong and he did an overnight before they slapped him on the wrist. i never knew of this guy until this thread, but i was aware of sace. but all the respect i had for sace is now suspect since it appears he was "slumming" when he was bombing. graf is pointless without danger, and if you come from where he comes from, the danger is gone. you can make a phonecall to make all your problems go away. theres no risk involved.

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Can someone point me towards more interesting works Dash Snow has done? While I enjoy McGinley's photographs, they're not much different than the Dos & Don'ts section of Vice magazine. I can't get over the feeling that the Dash Snow and his entourage is nothing more than a PR campaign marketing the aimless trust fund hipster lifestyle to aging rich people who want to buy an identity and feel a connection to today's hip youth.

dude Mcginleys stuff is quite alot different from DO and Don'ts, and him and colen came from normal familys only Dash came from mega wealth wich apprently he has seen none of . Get yah facts str8t !!

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