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bape ecstasy?


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so my brother got me some ecstasy for a friend and i asked him what they were and he was like 'bape' and i'm like 'bape the clothing brand?' i thought it was pretty funny. branded ecstasy...what's next?


this is obviously a FAPE if you look at the last E in bape its a lilttle off and the left eye of the monkey on the other side is uneven in depth as the right eye. obviously fakes. Hope your bro didint pay TOO much for them.

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i dunno... maybe ironic tee shirts? fuck man, all the e i ever ate was branded in some way... my favorites were the single stack mitsubishis... good shit there, and that had to have been 9 or 10 years ago.

What cheap said.. half the pills out there are stamped with the logo of a clothing brand, car manufacturer, food/drink company, fast food restaurant... fuck i had some last week with the logo from my bank stamped in.

Who cares?

edit: Were they any good?

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Last i bought X was back in 2000. I remember by then you could get some good stuff for $15 and some excelent double stack mitsubishi for 20 or 25 depending on who you got them from.

I guess all the supplyers got busted and thats why good X is long gone.

Also i remeber when the UCSD chemistry students and pharmacologysts were using the UCSD lab to make their own X. They were a huge supplyer of southern california back then and never got caught. Not only were these dudes going to become filthy rich from their legit profession but they were making crazy money while in school from UCSD made X. If you lived in So Cal during 2000, there was about a 50% chance the X you bought was made in the UCSD campus.

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Guest StuckOnStupid
is there actually still decent mdma out there?

there is, there is there certainly is. you know...looks white but closer up its a light light mauve...smells like black licorice, .2 on the digital gets you right for the night. moly-tastic.

ps i posted aboutthese bapes a couple motnhs ago. the ones i had were trash, completely trash.

speaking of trash pills, i had some blue audi ones on saturday...branded with the TT. i took ONE at 5 am in bed with a girl...20 minutes later felt like i was having a prettyyyyyy baaaad dust trip. scary as hell. pissed all ove the bathroom floor cause the bowl looked to be about 100 stories down from where i was standing. thought i could hear a sitcom laugh track as i was trying to smash with the lady friend. drugs are getting wack, i give up.

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Guest StuckOnStupid
sure some are better than others, but the standard street price is always $20.

i would never pay more than that.

wow. that's absolutley riddiclous.

aside from NYC where 20 is about right,i havent paid more than 5 per pill in years.

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