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Just wanted to say that I took a wander over to hypebeast today, and discovered a fascinating thread called "what got you into streetwear" or some shit like that. I'm in a few pages, laughing my ass off, when what do I see??


your boy jjs home sonning people left and right. Now your probably saying to yourselves's: "but Wolves...you weren't even around when he used to post", and you'd be right, but thanks to DDML bumping classic threads, I had the pleasure of taking a time machine back to the days of him, SHOWCASE SHOWDOWN, and ABELnyc pulling cards, and getting Raekwon on the horn to answer questions in the infamous "Ditto/didough" controversey.

Just thought I'd let you know. It makes me happy to know that people like him are alive and well...

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haha look whose post is first on that page. I won't lie, I frequent HB from time to time... it's weird looking through a person's posts, like it gives you an intimate look into their psyche. it's almost as if everyone was allowed a time machine to go back and look at someone else in their embarassing, awkward middle school years

but yeah... about jjs... I remember him getting into this huge multi-page argument with another guy who sold jeans on the side

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dog don't speak to me I'll do whatever the fuck I please and say whatever the fuck I'ma say.

Like honestly you talkin to me is what had me typin all that long shit before and I still don't see no reasno to respect any shit you say

Now that is the fucking funniest ! both parts

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