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Union chainstitched hem anywhere in the world!


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Ha, ha. Now seriusly, have been away from these boards for a while, I come back to see the new focus of attention has moved away from selvedge to hem stitching, with people going to great lengths to ensure the vintage repo jeans maintain their original chainstitched, even transporting them to a different country (respect synthi!)

Problem being, the thread colour may not be the same, the thickness could be different, the strength in the cotton may be mercerised and a whole host of problems.

" Get to the f***g point!! " I hear you silently scream. Ok Ok, take your favourite jeans down to your favourite tailor and then ask him to reattach the original hem with an invisible seam. Job done.

Don't believe me? Here's a little pictorial on how it's done:


Thank you thank you, I'me here all week and I accept credit cards, as well as paypal.

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looks like a run-of-the-mill "original hem" job, which 90% of tailors can do for about $20. Personally I think they look terrible, I see rich short chicks getting "original hems" all the time on their Seven/True Religions. After someone told me about it, I can spot them a mile away.

Personally I would rather have a plain stitched cut hem over a original hem, especially on raw or one wash jeans.

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Tarmac: If you can tell, then the tailor who is doing the job is shit.There's a reason it's called an invisible seam.

truestorytravis: Yup, the extra fabric can be an issue if you cuff ( I'me short and like stacking, so not an issue). But if you ask a tailor to razor away the extra material as close to the seam as possible, it will look like random tiny threads of cotton that has frayed away from the hem.

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looks like a run-of-the-mill "original hem" job, which 90% of tailors can do for about $20. Personally I think they look terrible, I see rich short chicks getting "original hems" all the time on their Seven/True Religions. After someone told me about it, I can spot them a mile away.

Personally I would rather have a plain stitched cut hem over a original hem, especially on raw or one wash jeans.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

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ugh, i had this done to a pair of paper denims back before i was into dry denim, and it irked the shit out of me how it draped afterwards. they just didn't lay right.

i can only imagine that doing this to a pair of drys would produce a really obnoxious distress line around the bottom of the jeans wear the fabric is folded up.

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Oh man, your thread title is a tease! I have no idea why but a chainstiched hem means more to me than it should, I'd have as hard a time explaining why as I would telling my mum why my jeans with a selvedge seam are 'better' than my el cheapo Levi's engineered jeans. :)

The thing is if someone cares enough for a chainstitch they're probably bothered by the aesthetics of reattaching the original hem. As has already been mentioned, cuffing is out and I suspect the jeans may drape a little differently on your shoes too.

I know this sounds like rediculous nerdom + OTT, but I am trying to procure a Union Special hemmer. Not just for the practical benefit for me and fellow forum members living on this side of the pond but also because the machines just look fucking cool and would hold value so it's a good investment too. What I'm telling myself anyway ;S

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looks like a run-of-the-mill "original hem" job, which 90% of tailors can do for about $20. Personally I think they look terrible, I see rich short chicks getting "original hems" all the time on their Seven/True Religions. After someone told me about it, I can spot them a mile away.

Personally I would rather have a plain stitched cut hem over a original hem, especially on raw or one wash jeans.

Original hems are F***ing horrible the look like complete ass. Like Kiya said you stated this perfectly!

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Oh man, your thread title is a tease! I have no idea why but a chainstiched hem means more to me than it should, I'd have as hard a time explaining why as I would telling my mum why my jeans with a selvedge seam are 'better' than my el cheapo Levi's engineered jeans. :)

The thing is if someone cares enough for a chainstitch they're probably bothered by the aesthetics of reattaching the original hem. As has already been mentioned, cuffing is out and I suspect the jeans may drape a little differently on your shoes too.

I know this sounds like rediculous nerdom + OTT, but I am trying to procure a Union Special hemmer. Not just for the practical benefit for me and fellow forum members living on this side of the pond but also because the machines just look fucking cool and would hold value so it's a good investment too. What I'm telling myself anyway ;S

Here's one more ridiculous OTT nerd this side of the pond that would pay you to stitch mine if you ever get this sorted.:)

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