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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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you have some fine gear and you can't even up the darkest tones ? cmonn... i won't say you can't take pictures, because i saw on the photography thread you could do it well, but since your fits aren't amazing, take nice pictures to compensate.

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yeah, i fucked that one up. camera was back in the bag before i uploaded/noticed. playing with the levels yielded nothing.

edit: and i'm usually forced to use a shitty camera for waywts. i need to start using a host that hides the exif so i can blame my gear more often.

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damn bitch, eat a steak samwhich or somethin
man i could probably wrap my index finger and thumb around your elbow


it's called hyperthyroidism. no joke.

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no hate, but regardless of your healthy tan, you need to get that shit checked out.

i KNOW they caaaannnn... but i have an "abnormal" aka allergic reaction to the medicine that they provide. the dr.s suggest that i get my thyroid gland removed when i'm 25 or so...

right now i'm supposed to be on a strict diet... i basically eat 5 times a day...

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i KNOW they caaaannnn... but i have an "abnormal" aka allergic reaction to the medicine that they provide. the dr.s suggest that i get my thyroid gland removed when i'm 25 or so...

right now i'm supposed to be on a strict diet... i basically eat 5 times a day...

Fair enough, but there are alternate routes than that one medication, I'm sure. Wouldn't make sense otherwise.

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Fair enough, but there are alternate routes than that one medication, I'm sure. Wouldn't make sense otherwise.

No, there totally are... but they all have side-effects that I can't handle with my tiny body structure. I get sick pretty easily and have constant anxiety. Plus, I don't want to get addicted to medication-withdrawal and such freaks me out...:confused:

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No, there totally are... but they all have side-effects that I can't handle with my tiny body structure. I get sick pretty easily and have constant anxiety. Plus, I don't want to get addicted to medication-withdrawal and such freaks me out...:confused:

are you kidding.

Do you even have an addictive personality? You don't know until you do it.

Also: being addicted to anxiety meds is not that hard to kick. I've done it.

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are you kidding.

Do you even have an addictive personality? You don't know until you do it.

I have a whole line of addicts in my family. Nearly everyone is an alcoholic, and many of my sick family members (I'm also predisposed to many cancers) are addicted to their pain medications. It's really upsetting to watch the destruction that prescriptions can cause, and how many doctors hand them out like candy. I know that a lot of people are helped by them-but no one in my family that I have yet to see...

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I have a whole line of addicts in my family. Nearly everyone is an alcoholic, and many of my sick family members (I'm also predisposed to many cancers) are addicted to their pain medications. It's really upsetting to watch the destruction that prescriptions can cause, and how many doctors hand them out like candy. I know that a lot of people are helped by them-but no one in my family that I have yet to see...


Go to a therapist or something - you only become an addict if you think you are one. It's hard to overcome the notion of "genetic" addiction, but I'm sure if you're smart and you have self control, you can figure it out.

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No, there totally are... but they all have side-effects that I can't handle with my tiny body structure. I get sick pretty easily and have constant anxiety. Plus, I don't want to get addicted to medication-withdrawal and such freaks me out...:confused:

The anxiety is directly related to hyperthyroidism .

I'd say get the surgery as soon as possible. As the long term effects of hyperthyroidism are far greater than the side effects of the meds...

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I'm not.

But that's honestly not a very good excuse to not treat a condition that has already made her life tough enough.

that's not my excuse...

i'm allergic to the medications-but i was stating that even if i weren't, i wouldn't take the medicine anyway for the reasons above somewhere...

hyperthyroidism makes things tough... yes. but if i make sure to take care of myself (healthy diet, regular exercise) and get regular blood tests/thyroid biopsies then i stay in close to perfect shape. unfortunately, i have deal with bitch asses talking about my skeletal figure constantly. just fucking drop it. i'm skinny and i eat-that DOES exist.

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if her family has a lot of addictions, yeah, addictions are kickable... but it's not like most people can decide one day "oh i'm gonna quit smoking" and stop there. if my family had a history of addictions i wouldn't just go fuck with some drugs, because i "believe" i can just stop using it when i need to because i think i have crazy willpower. and plus, she said they make her sick. if its her choice let it be.. i just dont see why you are getting so worked up about it. you act like shes a dumbass or whatever for making her own choices? i'm sure they are more justified than what she has just posted on a message board.

haha like it matters who i am or how many posts i have, i was just scrolling through the thread and i saw your posts and felt like replying.

edit: oops i posted late... daniway already replied

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that's not my excuse...

i'm allergic to the medications-but i was stating that even if i weren't, i wouldn't take the medicine anyway for the reasons above somewhere...

hyperthyroidism makes things tough... yes. but if i make sure to take care of myself (healthy diet, regular exercise) and get regular blood tests/thyroid biopsies then i stay in close to perfect shape. unfortunately, i have deal with bitch asses talking about my skeletal figure constantly. just fucking drop it. i'm skinny and i eat-that DOES exist.

I have no problem with your figure. I think you're attractive, albeit a bit corny, but I was referring to the medications you can take, rather than the ones you can't. Obviously you can't take the ones you're allergic too, but doing anything that is a viable option (in this instance, regardless of family history with addiction to medication) should be considered. If you are too worried about the whole addiction thing, then I would avoid it, but I'd get treatment as soon as possible, because regardless of how well you're taking care of yourself in the present, it's a long term solution you should be looking for.

just a thought, not trying to be mean, just civil.

EDIT for dude above me:

you misunderstood what I said, I was talking about "viable options" for treatment, regardless of family history with medications. Obviously I am no doctor and can't convince her just based on my opinion, but I've been addicted to prescription medicine's before. So I do have some inkling of what I'm talking about.

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I have no problem with your figure. I think you're attractive, albeit a bit corny, but I was referring to the medications you can take, rather than the ones you can't. Obviously you can't take the ones you're allergic too, but doing anything that is a viable option (in this instance, regardless of family history with addiction to medication) should be considered. If you are too worried about the whole addiction thing, then I would avoid it, but I'd get treatment as soon as possible, because regardless of how well you're taking care of yourself in the present, it's a long term solution you should be looking for.

just a thought, not trying to be mean, just civil.

well, in that case-i appreciate your input. i do realize the long term effects from hyperthyroidism and not having it treated-but the only symptom that i have that has been taking a toll on my body is anxiety, and i prefer herbal remedies. it's been working okay, and my dr. says i'm as healthy as they could expect a hyperthyroidism patient to be... medicine or no medicine.

i have to wait until my late 20s to get the surgery because my hormones should be done developing by then...

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well, in that case-i appreciate your input. i do realize the long term effects from hyperthyroidism and not having it treated-but the only symptom that i have that has been taking a toll on my body is anxiety, and i prefer herbal remedies. it's been working okay, and my dr. says i'm as healthy as they could expect a hyperthyroidism patient to be... medicine or no medicine.

i have to wait until my late 20s to get the surgery because my hormones should be done developing by then...

Fair enough

get a vaporizer, btw

I'm sure since you love smoking, it can't be all that good to inhale as much smoke as your prolly do.

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