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Volcom Cone White Oak denim


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Does anyone own these? They are actually made at the white oak facillity at cone. They are actually pretty nice. especially since they retail for somewhere between 130.00 and 140.00. The cut is fairly basic, but you cannot beat the price! this is the decription pulled directy from their website. They are better than the selvedge ones from the Gap... I am going to get a run of them in the shop and see what they are like.


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Well you are feeling the cut on you and you know the denim is decent so why wonder just get um .. right ?

Just like these bullish penguin selvage I got .. Do you think they are in any way 1/2 azz done jeans ? Not at all .. I TRIED ripping seams and couldn't ..

- Flat backed rivets very smooth non obtrusive ..

- VERY thick chain lock stiching on ALL seams - like twice as thick as many Evisu I've seen inside .

- Like tapestry quality pocket liners

- Button fly holes are sewn HEAVY duty around the holes - looks like they went around twice on the topmost hole ..

- Denim is heavier than average I would guess 13oz - its definately not 12

- Felled seams on inner leg opposite selvage

-Pinkline selvage

- NON Chainstitched hems but oh well Ill mail um to blue in green and get it done for $10 if I NEEDED that in my life ..

Penguin has been making clothing since the 1930's or so .. so yea they NEEDED to make a selvage jeans and did it well ..

Any company that makes a casual jacket named fuckin Mr MURDER is cool with me lol >> http://www.originalpenguin.com/opg/catalog/product.jsp?cid=OPGMAPRLSAL&c=8

Volcom has been making clothes for quite awhile also and for them to source out white oak denim specifically best believe whoever assembles the jeans would be above average " mass produced " type quality ....

Im assuming but if possible check that out and if you like them get um and let US know because no one here owns a pair that I have seen and I have seen almost all on supertalk ..

maybe one of the store owners here can chime in if they've seen them in person ?

k then

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I will have them in the shop within the week. I have spoken to a friend in s.f. who got a pair and he said they are amazing, which is why I am bringing them in. Once again, the quality (being produced at white oak) for the price is amazing.....

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Do, please, post photo and details when you get them in. Please.


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Blake are you talking about the volcom white oaks from last year (the ones in the old thread) or is there some new model out this year?

The ones from last year are nice, I think white oaks is really cool I like the name, history, and from what I have heard and seen from some of their responses they have staff that really care.

Saw them at a skate shop in jasper quite a few months ago, they seemed nice decent construction, I don't remeber too much about them, they had felled seems, bottom hem was not chain stitched (I think not 100% sure) I don't remember what colour the selvedge was I really did not pay too much attention to them, they were like 240 CAD and I consider volcom a fashion brands so I barely touched them.

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okay okay I misread - didn't realize you were inquiring not out of of personal interest in buying a pair for yourself ..

so .... share something .... how much did you pay under retail per pair in your 12 or so pair order ? :-)

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okay okay I misread - didn't realize you were inquiring not out of of personal interest in buying a pair for yourself ..

so .... share something .... how much did you pay under retail per pair in your 12 or so pair order ? :-)

sorry for the misunderstanding. I have a shop in Portland and I have them on order. I am not sure what the retail will be because I am not sure of the cost (i did not ask when i ordered them) but my understanding is that they are going to be somewhere between 130.00 and 145.00 usd. This is a pretty amazing price considering where they are coming from. The ones that I ordered are in a raw fabric which I think is new for this season. The only bummer is that they only come in a 32 inseam.......

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sorry for the misunderstanding. I have a shop in Portland and I have them on order. I am not sure what the retail will be because I am not sure of the cost (i did not ask when i ordered them) but my understanding is that they are going to be somewhere between 130.00 and 145.00 usd. This is a pretty amazing price considering where they are coming from. The ones that I ordered are in a raw fabric which I think is new for this season. The only bummer is that they only come in a 32 inseam.......

32 inseam? that is poop I hate tiny inseams I am only 6'1" but 32 just won't cut it for me. The reason they were priced so high is that Jasper is a resort town. From what I have seen on about them they are a decent buy at 130 usd. The cut is def'n modern with some modern styling to them kind of skate/surf culture looking to me but coming from Volcom it is to be expected. :D :D There are jeans for everyone.

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when did you buy them and how without a wholesale price?

do you want to buy denim from me...........:D



I bought the jeans wholesale (since I have an account with volcom) I usually do not buy a lot of the denim because it is not that special. I have a clothing store in Portland. What is your denim. If you want to talk about stuff, please send a private message. thanks, blake

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