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The Death of a Ladybug; Wagner College, February of 2009

You’ve slowly spiraled down down,

down to meet at the wood casket of my workman’s bench

Modern day installed, fixed, primed, taken care of

All for an incredibly low price of your child’s unhappiness.

Subjected to grading,

I’d give the poor fellow a seven.

Execution was lazy

and the infinitum of them that exist in the world only makes its death more insignificant,

But truly it’s enough to distract even the cruelest hearts.

Down, down to the linoleum grave

Lurching upwards again only to resume plummet,

I am starting to fall.

And I am starting to wane.

And I can feel sleep crawl up my eyes through my throat,

just like the creature crawls back up my barren walls

Only to plummet back down, down

If only I had taken the time to watch, to open a window, to considerately grab the attention of the space around me and focus it into one joyous burst of freedom;

But rather

I slip down, down

And down, down

Into an every spiraling circle of familiar sentiments that have filled me for too long

Luck dies with the ladybug -

I am still writing.

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Helmut Lang kinda sucked towards the end (2003-2005 ish, the menswear at least) :(

s/s 03 was one of my favorites. lots of cool layering pieces that inspired raf's recent collection. he went all out on the bondage straps he had been doing all those years.

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i like that he uses the term "BBW" in his tirade, also digging his animated and expressive face.

That said he has no place making this video, considering based on what i can see in the camera he looks like a pretty fat fuck himself.

mr. pregnant is supposed to be some random ass shit of a fat guy recording himself doing/saying stupid shit. in one of his videos, he prank calls the cops a load of times on his cell phone saying stupid shit. dude has no regard for anything


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mr. pregnant is supposed to be some random ass shit of a fat guy recording himself doing/saying stupid shit. in one of his videos, he prank calls the cops a load of times on his cell phone saying stupid shit. dude has no regard for anything


still funny as hell though

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Any hopes I had of Watchmen actually being good have gone down the drain after seeing this clip. God, it's so fucking cheesy.


But I guess I should have seen it coming?...

as director Zack Snyder has revealed exclusively to MTV News that the only post-1985 song in the film will feature one of today’s hottest bands.

“My Chemical Romance is absolutely awesome,†the “300†director revealed. “And Gerard [Way] is a huge fan of ‘Watchmen’.â€

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yo these are the worst villains ever.

and fuck Tony Almeda for just BROODING all the time. Dude works so hard to act so hard.

The subplots are supershitty

and the themes and motifs are stupid and played out.

24, what happened to you :(

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re: 24. . .

assuming the president taylor dies in this next attack

the vp will take her place, yes?

since the vp has yet to be introduced

do you think s/he will be white?

(im seriously interested considering the race of the past presidents and current president being a female)

this show is fucking backwards and stupid but there are lots of explosions

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