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Denim Modifications


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I know this is not exactly a supershopper appropriate thread, but since we have no dedicated denim forum and denim is extensivly discussed here, I am hoping you'll let it slide....

But have any of you done anything do your denim? Pics? Ideas?

I had a pair of jeans I bleached white (turned out pretty decent)- before you jump down my throat, it fit my style.

I also did some tears in my jeans like the True Religion jeans with the long tears down the thigh (not really my style, just experimenting with the different ways to do it).

What have ya'll done?

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i'm actually thinking about bleaching something onto my apc's... they're a bit plain.

any hints? i don't want them to be too badly damaged by the bleach...

should i dilute it? how long should i keep it on the denim? do I need to rinse it out with cold water?

any help is appreciated!

strange highs and strange lows

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I would not do it to your A.P.C.'s. It thins out your denim and it takes a few washes in the machine to get the bleech smell out. I've done it twice with your standard mall brands (hollister and buckle-ew). I just put them in a bucket with Clorox and water (half and half or less) and let it sit for an hour or two. Watch them though, my second pair ended up gettting eaten when I tried to redo it.

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nah, i'm not planning on bleaching the whole damn thing... just wanted to put a design somewhere on them... back pocket perhaps. or maybe somewhere else.

yeah, i figure it will weaken the denim, so we'll see if i ever go thru with it.

and i wasn't planning on washing the jeans for a while, which may be a problem. i don't want to be trailing bleach fumes everywhere i go!

strange highs and strange lows

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I understand why you seem upset about the word, dare i say it "literal".I wouldn't mind further discussion about word usage.Linguistics is really quite interesting.

On second thought(actually its the third), its only a word.Let it go.

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obviously the girl who wants to be God should have no reservations about attention.

I assume that you could use a textile ink if you wanted to paint on the jeans. The coolest thing about Evisu's, IMO, is after they've been worn for a couple years the gull fades into a really cool color.

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