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Just got an email about this lawsuit..


seems ridiculous to me, considering much of the t-shirt graphic game (which both of these labels helped build) is founded on the art of parody. !!!...especially STUSSY!


[shawn Stussy making fun of Stussy's own lawsuit]

(anyways, saved me some trouble, considering I was planning on doin the same thing for our winter season. Go get 'em Rick!)

thehundreds is huge.


Edited by bobbyhundreds on Apr 6, 2005 at 05:44 PM

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Speaking of parodying other labels without license...

Has anyone seen the XLarge parody of aNYthing??!

(says "anXLthing")

So bizarre, right?

Saw it at Magic, so not sure if its being released later.

I asked the girl at the XLarge booth, "Yo, did A-ron do this?"

Her: Blank face.

Me: A-ron..do you know who he is?

Her: Uhhh, I dunno...

anyways, I told aron about it a week later and he laughed, couldnt believe it. They never even asked him or told him they were doin it.. oh well, take it as a compliment..?

thehundreds is huge.


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Stussy, Xlarge and Bathing Ape are the kings of rip-off/parodies. I've got a Stucci bag, Stucci t-shirt, Stendi No. 4 t-shirt, Stuie Vuitton sweatshirt, an XL jacket made to look like LV, an XLarge bag made to look like a crooked Burberry print, a Bape t-shirt that looks like an American Express card, and Bape Stas.

Now if Xlarge, Stussy and Bape don't deserve a litte of their own medicine, I don't know who does.

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all these companies straight bite off each other and other surrounding companies...it's nothing new, seems to me that Stussy's throwing a bit of a tantrum...

i've always been a huge fan of Stussy...but the last couple years have been pretty dissapointing...only recently have they been able to turn their collections around...seems to me that this is one last desperate attempt to retain some credibility...

if Stussy goes through with this lawsuit, i personally am done with their goods...hypocrites...

Edited by MyMindSpray on Apr 7, 2005 at 06:24 AM

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Stussy was bought out a while ago by his original partner Frank Sinatra (seriously, but obviously a dif dude) for loads of dough & a lot less stress. Frank has recently sold the to a Japanese company for hella loads of dough but continues as the CEO (the Japanese company in question wants to leave it alone & preserve its American style & integrity, just own it) with the stress. They headquarter in Irvine, CA.

I would imagine Shawn & Frank wouldn't file a suit....


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Yes, that WAS a collab, but then when Supreme decided not to sell Zoo @ the store, and Zoo went big, I heard Zoo said "Fuck you" to Supreme and made TONS of tees and stickers....

I said it before and I'll say it again, Stussy is the GAP of Streetwear....

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