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Everyone smokes in Japan. I don't however. But it does look cool and its a great way to break the ice with a hot girl; "Hey got a light...?" Too bad it causes cancer and stuff. I think I'm already gonna get cancer from all the second hand smoke I've inhaled clubbing the last couple of years.... Ok. I have no idea what my point was.

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I'm torn between smoking and not...

I love smoking. Sometimes I totally embrace it, and I smoke a pack in a single night at an afterhours club, smoke a quarter ounce of pot in a week, chill on a nice Cohiba Esplendido, or pass around a nargeela hose with good friends. Totally in love.

But it's a love hate relationship, one that I am not addicted to, and one I can give up at the drop of a hat. And I do. Sometimes I'm like "wtf am I doing? I'm just killing myself" and I stop for months at a time.

But there is nothing like pounding back beers and sucking down on cigarettes when your stressed after a few hard weeks of work or exams. And "do you have a light" is easily one of the best ice breakers of all time.

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its weird...i find myself smoking even if im not craving a cigarette. sometimes i could just be at home bored and ill light one up just for the sake of being outside and getting away from the shit i have to do inside.


Totally bro, I'm the same way...

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I quit 2 years ago. I did smoke about half a pack of reds a day and sometimes 2 packs during a night out. In order to quit, I started rolling my own cigarettes which made it alot harder to light up whenever I wanted. I also used organic tobacco which is not nearly as enjoyable to smoke as brand name processed stuff. Eventually it just lost it's enjoyability.

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Everyone smokes in Japan. I don't however.

this was one of the culture shock things i experienced when i was there. i found it a bit funny that the only thing seperating the smoking from non-smoking areas was a sign

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this was one of the culture shock things i experienced when i was there. i found it a bit funny that the only thing seperating the smoking from non-smoking areas was a sign

hahh i went to a club in the philippines when i went ther last year. the smoking section was actually way nicer than the non-smoking section.

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i'm surprised you can't walk and smoke in japan though.

Heh. In Roppongi today they had these guards standing around the sidewalk patrolling for people that were walking and smoking. They stopped some guy mid-way through a phone conversation. You should have seen the look on the guy's face; like hell froze over. :eek:

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Walking and smoking? What's wrong with walking and smoking?

Well last year some salaryman in Tokyo was walking and smoking and the cig stabbed a young girl in the eye causing her to go blind. It became a huge media spectacle...I suppose this and a host of other "things wrong with Japan that we must change using silly policies and ill-conceived program" are at work with the local govt.

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Everyone smokes in Japan. I don't however. But it does look cool and its a great way to break the ice with a hot girl; "Hey got a light...?" Too bad it causes cancer and stuff. I think I'm already gonna get cancer from all the second hand smoke I've inhaled clubbing the last couple of years.... Ok. I have no idea what my point was.

it really cracks me up that they banned smoking on the street in tokyo but anywhere else inside you can smoke....so completely backwards..

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I was in Japan last year (mid-August I think it was?) when they were unveiling that campaign to keep people from walking and smoking down Omotesandou. As per Japanese tradition, the signs came with like 10 different Groovisions'ish animated icons to show the possible consequences of doing such, one was the kid getting burnt in the eyeball.

I've smoked since I was 12 or 13. People try to compel me to quit and I have to lie and say I will try or even that I will, but I have really had no real motivation thus far to do so. I also live in a place where I can smoke anywhere I want to and everyone smokes (at my workplace in the stairwell, on the street, most taxi drivers let me light up inside their taxis, every bar, club, restaurant, etc) and the cigarettes are cheap here, cheaper than one can of decent drinkable beer at the 7-11. I'd like to quit, but that is another day.

I probably sound strange but I don't really like dating girls who smoke, haha. I don't really know why I feel this way, as the smell, taste, etc, obviously don't really bother me, but since long ago I have date both smokers and non-smokers and it turns me off.

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i bike about 20mi a day...and i.m embarrassed to admit that i smoke almost a pack a day....tryna cut down but i have this shitty conditioning of smoking after a nice, long ride...kinda like how people smoke after they eat....perhaps it counters itself. *shrug

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I was in Japan last year (mid-August I think it was?) when they were unveiling that campaign to keep people from walking and smoking down Omotesandou. As per Japanese tradition, the signs came with like 10 different Groovisions'ish animated icons to show the possible consequences of doing such, one was the kid getting burnt in the eyeball.

haha would love to see this. i like all the variations of signs on the signposts and on the sidewalks that forbid you to smoke and walk.

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i don't give a fuck, i'll smoke where ever in japan. i've never had trouble except once. if a cop stops you just make like you don't speak any japanese. it's the same for not wearing seatbelts or speeding.

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