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I must say I love my new Superbe cranks. Only wish they were 165...

Anyways, I've had the worst day today:

On my way to work I must've punctured my tube. By the time I got off work @ 4pm it was flat. Thankfully I have a spare tube. I installed my spare, but seeing as I did not have rim tape, I rode to the bike shop to get some. When I was installing the rim tape at the store, I accidentally broke the presta valve tip on my old tube so I had to get another tube.


P.S. The white parts on my saddle are slowly turning blue thanks to the rain today.

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I've been biking to work (26 miles round trip, fuck) and the last hill is like a fucking 90 degree grade and i can only make it like 1/3rd of the way up, this is on a geared bike also btw. I have to walk it up the rest :( I am scrawny and a weakling. It's cool though because I know when I can finally charge up it, it will be the best feeling yay :)

I do the same distance on my commute and I have a bitch of a hill at the end of the home leg. It sounds like you're jumping out of the saddle and attacking the hill (or pushing a big gear). This will cause you to 'blow up' (ie get outside your aerobic ability). When this happens you'll very quickly be completely out of breath and unable to continue.

Don't try and charge up. Sit down on the saddle, drop the gears until you are able to spin reasonably freely (certainly don't try grinding a big gear) and take a steady pace up the hill. You'll be surprised how quickly you get to the top.

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Is that real?

no, it was a promo for specialized. pretty gnar though.

as for hills, why mash when you have gears? spinning rules (though i did find on road rides, my riding a fixed made me stay in a relatively higher gear than my roadie friends).

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Can any one suggest a good hip bag, I hate having anything in my pockets and it’s a hassle to take my backpack for my wallet, keys and cell.

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What are better: sealed BB or the cup/ball bearing type? I liked having the ability to clean/grease my cup/ball..


I think it's more of opinion. I like sealed cause I'm lazy and don't want to have to deal with an open bearing.

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I guess i can see that..

I cleaned/greased my BB a couple days ago, but now the actual axle kind of moves left to right..I tried tighteting the bolt/lock ring but if I tighten it anymore then the axle doesn't turn..what am I doing wrong?

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