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new in4mants tees.


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Fellas, give me your honest opinion about our line (SLRP). We're based in Copenhagen and have been doing well there, in all the top stores in Denmark, etc but soon to launch in the states...

the shirts featured are last years ish b/c we decided not to post the new stuff online. We noticed European headz biting our designs....the fit of these shirts is pretty nice and the cotton is soft but heavier than AA..

And remember our stuff is limited edition, bitch! like that means anything...really the only reason for the limited nature is b/c we can't afford more printing.


Thanks //dave

feel free to hit me on email with any questions: [email protected]

“Isn’t it strange how it’s a fad to bite your idols when the whole reason you liked them is because their shit wasn’t recycled?†- Aesop Rock

Edited by Dave Russ on Mar 28, 2005 at 07:07 PM

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Ayo cousin, you needs to chill, nobody's hating nobody - you're the only one talking all that east/west jazz, you still stuck in the 90's homey. And that line "aNYthing out of Cali" is a PLAY on words, notice that i said "aNYthing from Japan" also. dam

--- Original message by I STOLE YOUR BENZ on Mar 28, 2005 06:07 PM

to be honest your posts are not really very postive....they are towards more the negative side...maybe thats you and your opinion???

I would like to know the brands you like and stuff? Just to see your perspective on what you think is "fresh".


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You guys are a riot....why don't you all take a trip across the pond and I'll show you all how to be fancy....we'll listen to Right Said Fred and boogie

For the record, our American product is being cut with slightly longer sleeves and waist....In those photos, Ollie is wearing our smallest size.

seriously, thx for the feedback....greatly appreciated...

Bobby, hit me up on email...think I saw you guys at Magic but not sure

cheers //dave

“Isn’t it strange how it’s a fad to bite your idols when the whole reason you liked them is because their shit wasn’t recycled?†- Aesop Rock

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Quote: For the record, our American product is being cut with slightly longer sleeves and waist....In those photos, Ollie is wearing our smallest size.

i'd change the advertisements as well. they're definitely catering to a certain demographic... not that theres anything wrong with it.

nice designs tho.

strange highs and strange lows

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I am not crazy about the prints but then thats me (probably not your target consumer); however I must say that I like the cut of the t-shirts, the smaller sleeves , length & overall fitted look is far nicer than a lot of products out there now. Reminds me of the Rogan t's


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First and Foremost RESPECT to everyone in the west coast and east coast. Just wanted to give my opinon on all of this.

• Peace Bobby Hundreds dude for posting this. Shits Hilarious!

• We had the blessings of Andy Howell to contribute his artwork to the line.

• For you design fags that just sit at home jerking yourselves infront of the computer and blogger all day. Go do something with yourselves cause we do as we do. The line was to capture that nostogic skatey look where computers didn't have a play in graphics. Pay attention to details. WYSIWYG! If you think there's no thought then go buy shit that "Overthrow the Masses" at Macy's or Demo. You dudes are way to cool for school.

• Big the fuck ups to people who build and not just complain and blogger about every little thing and just collect Nike SB shoes when you fuckers don't even skate.

Big the fuck ups to: INVISIBLE:MAN (His clothes aint for fat kids on pogo sticks just to let you know), Jupiter, everyone in LA, NYC and everyone with that builds WITH AN OPEN MIND where ever they may be.



Yea right!

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Again, the shirt was very personal to me and my friends who contributed names. Osiris, for instance, was the first company to lace me up with free shoes and gear when I was a poor kid just tryin' to skate in whatever shoes I could find. I looked up to them as a company, when I was younger. They ran a really tight ship, and had a solid team - I was good friends with Kanten and during "The Storm" days, they had a pretty sick team - you can't deny. Smolik, Hsu, Brandon, Bucchieri..

I guess the shirt's not "cred" enough for you? Too bad. Do you, kid.



(Andrew told me you called me out yesterday. hahaha! the joke backfired - he doesn't know what a pogo ball is)

thehundreds is huge.


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I STOLE YOUR BENZ::<...you dropped the ball a few posts ago by saying "brands like hectic and neighborhood have "NO CONCEPT"..OBVIOUSLY,YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT,which is sad,because alot of your posts make you seem like you know a bit of this and that about brands and whats going on,but now all that image you built is in the fucking toilet.

I am curious for you to explain to me,what exactly is it that you know about Hectic AND neighborhood,and then explain to me how you can say they have NO CONCEPT.

I really wanna see your reply to this-and dont just call me a fucking jerk,and a hater,cause i and everyone else here REALLY wants to know how you can say that about those 2 brands.

no really,Humor me,answer my question.

If you come back with a dis,and shit talk,you're more lame than i thought.

answer me.

Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

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Edited by JUPAFETT on Mar 29, 2005 at 02:39 PM

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i stole your benz: your observations are strong,and their yours.

both neighborhood and hectic have rather strong images/scenes that they are apart of,and you just dont see it,from looking online etc etc.

i am not dick riding them whatsoever,but your way off the mark here,and you didnt tear anyones ass or whatever you said,except i do think you have made yourself look really stupid and uneducated about which you speak of..

neighborhood are just a bunch of guys who are into motorcycles,and the lifestyle of bike gangs,and brotherhood,something i am certian you are well versed in.

They didnt start recently,they have been making the same thing for themselves and their crew for a long long time,way before selling anything...

and over the years,they have stayed rather true to their lifestyles,thru graphics,and what they actually wear.

Your totally wrong about neighborhood,but you have the right to your opnions,and i am not knocking you for speaking your mind.

realmadHECTIC on the other hand is esentially the same way,and i dont really think you even know what they are all about,except maybe u have seen the NB's they've done or an ocassionaly teeshirt that makes its way onto the net,or possibly visiting the shop,you cant possibly make such a sweeping generalization on a brand by looking at a few pieces,you should base your opinions on a group of seasons of theirs together-each season has a theme,as does neighborhood,and each season they try to maintain the image of the brand,and also incorporate other things they are into,into the lines they create.-again,my opinion

maybe you do understand,and maybe you dont,but i totally appreciate you answering the questions i asked.

Its awesome we have the ability to talk about things like this here,even if you are a completely uneducated,mtv cloned,ebay,whatever pharrell says,dunk line waiting trucker hat blazer wearing punk pin dick riding cocksmoker,it just dosent matter...we all can feel free to speak our minds and share opinions here...its really amazing.

I thank you again for sharing your opinions,and summing up to alot of people,exactly the type of person we all strive to avoid.

of course,thats just my opinion.

Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

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