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Sites that sell asian style clothes?


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I'm not a big fan of the typical Asian style at all. Everything is so trend-oriented with very little rewear value for the future. The Asian look can seem stylish/creative in America, until you goto Asia and realize that every guy at the mall plus every actor on MTV/teen dramas is dressed that exact same way. It is the overseas equivalent of high schoolers who are all decked out in Hollister pseudosurfer gear and think they are hot stuff.

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holy crap, can someone with korean nationality hook us up with zeroback or styleboy or instylejapan stuff? i need something

and for your japanese site needs, i.e. zozo.jp or rakuten.jp, i would recommend asking 2000db to get it for you because he is the man. no one comes close.

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I'm not a big fan of the typical Asian style at all. Everything is so trend-oriented with very little rewear value for the future. The Asian look can seem stylish/creative in America, until you goto Asia and realize that every guy at the mall plus every actor on MTV/teen dramas is dressed that exact same way. It is the overseas equivalent of high schoolers who are all decked out in Hollister pseudosurfer gear and think they are hot stuff.

i totally see where you're coming from. there is really no asian look. i'll probably get some shit for this, but at best it is a japanese look. non-japanese asian countries basically covet (are alittle late too)/imitate japanese fashion. what is even more ironic is that most japanese pretty much have been emulating the west (either by styling "choice" labels or producing europen inspired ones). sure there are exceptions...i.e. comme des garcons maybe undercover (and couple others), but as far as originality goes (not quality), i am of the opinion originality cannot be compared with that of for instance various paris collections. overall japanese quaility and innovation is up there though.

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i totally see where you're coming from. there is really no asian look. i'll probably get some shit for this, but at best it is a japanese look. non-japanese asian countries basically covet (are alittle late too)/imitate japanese fashion. what is even more ironic is that most japanese pretty much have been emulating the west (either by styling "choice" labels or producing europen inspired ones). sure there are exceptions...i.e. comme des garcons maybe undercover (and couple others), but as far as originality goes (not quality), i am of the opinion originality cannot be compared with that of for instance various paris collections. overall japanese quaility and innovation is up there though.

Agreed. Everything on that site looks either Japanese or American true religion/LA style. I fail to see how this is "Asian style" rather than the models all being Korean. If you switched all the models to be white, its exactly the style of fashion popular in NYC or LA right now.

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http://b2b.zipia.net/ another korean online shop

ships with a minimum of $100 to the US

i like how it look likes but you just cant figure out the quality of the product

I have actually ordered from there. and the quality is average. It's not some expensive fabric but it's not all too cheap either it depends. I bought this knit cardigan and it wasn't all that great. But I got this long hoodie and it was okay(least better than the cardigan)

btw do any of these websites have a english version?

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with pure curiosity, does anyome have opinions about why other asian countries are on japan's dick and late (i have some, but would love to hear yours)?

generally speaking that is (don't worry. if you're a non-japanese asian, this may not particularly be about you. don't get mad, this is purely an academic interest.).

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with pure curiosity, does anyome have opinions about why other asian countries are on japan's dick and late (i have some, but would love to hear yours)?

generally speaking that is (don't worry. if you're a non-japanese asian, this may not particularly be about you. don't get mad, this is purely an academic interest.).

I've noticed this a lot, and I think this is because Japan is open to creativity and consumerism in a way that is simply not widely applicable to other Asian countries. Japan is at the forefront in areas like design, music, technology....and the "culture of youth", if you will, is a lot less suppressed in Japan than it is in other countries.

Other countries such as China are very restrictive about individual pursuits. There you do what your parents tell you, study all the time, goto college, and dress like everyone else who has a job. Alternative foreign cultures and ideas about sex are incredibally repressed. Even if a kid wants to dream, chances are he is too poor to do anything about it.

Why do people want to know about and copy the lives of movies stars and celebrities? To live vicariously. Other Asian countries just want to be the rebellious, influencial, and rich kid that Japan is, whether they want to admit it or not.

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If you consider the short history of actually being able to afford 'fashion', it's not really surprising at all. They need time.

i don't see where you're coming from. i see people from hk lined up at bape in aoyama/walking around urahara/etc etc all the time. when i went to hk everyone looked street or like mid-late 90's harajuku kids. not all, but obviously a majority of them are spending money, and alot of it is on japanese brands. and japanese brands aren't too cheap, are they?

your theory could be applied during japan's economic bubble many many years after ww2, but how can your statement make any sense today considering japan's recent (and long) recession?

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I was writing a reply until my computer bitched and erased it, so I'll make it short:

-Rich people can afford to buy luxuries.

-One luxury is good clothes.

-Despite all the economic troubles, Japan has the third largest economy in the world, and has been rich for significantly longer than any other Asian country.

-The 100million+ Japanese can afford, and want, fashion.

- The Japanese market grows to cater to that demand.

-A few decades pass, and thus the birth of 'good' fashion.

Simply put, other Asians aren't and weren't as rich as the Japanese. In fact, it's only been recent that some Asian countries have gained the economic margin to let fashion into their budget. Because these Asian countries began so much later than Japan, these countries emulate the Japanese to achieve what they see as higher, more time-tested fashion. The Japanese have copied Western fashion as well, but they've done it long enough to create their own style out of it. That's what other asian countries are doing right now. They'll copy until they can create. Until they create, it's going to take some time. It's bullshit to say that a certain nationality is any less creative than another. Fashion-forward countries are rich; those that aren't are usually not. Somalians aren't less creative than the French; they just can't afford fashion.


I don't know much about Hong Kong, but at a population of 7 million I think it's rather difficult to compare it to other countries with 5-10 times the population. Just what I think.

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i understand what you are saying, but the point i would like you to adress in greater detail is why do these other countries emulate japan and not the west?? what do you mean by a time tested formula? european fashion houses are pretty time tested. i'm sure the ming dynasty's shit from silk road was too.

statistically you are probably right on the money (as far as economics go, but what i am talking about is basically other (some) asians copying, emulating, and purchasing japanese design.

also no one explicitly mentioned anything about one country being superior in design.

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No one did, and it's just my opinion :)

I think the Asians emulate Japan because its a more readily acceptable form of essentially Western fashion. Not many wear true Asian clothing anymore. Western fashion is contemporary fashion, and the Japanese have altered that western style to fit a more asian approach.

Again, this is my opinion.

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i understand what you are saying, but the point i would like you to adress in greater detail is why do these other countries emulate japan and not the west??

They do emulate the west. European luxury brands like Gucci and LV are making huge inroads into Asia. The upper class buy huge amounts of designer suits and accessories, but that market is mostly co-opted by a slightly older generation. I think you are mistaken in thinking that Asians don't covet the western style. If anything it is more prevalent than the Japanese style.

It is only the younger generation that are into Japanese luxury goods, partly because they don't want to look like thier parents who are decked out in LV.

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They do emulate the west. European luxury brands like Gucci and LV are making huge inroads into Asia. The upper class buy huge amounts of designer suits and accessories, but that market is mostly co-opted by a slightly older generation. I think you are mistaken in thinking that Asians don't covet the western style. If anything it is more prevalent than the Japanese style.

It is only the younger generation that are into Japanese luxury goods, partly because they don't want to look like thier parents who are decked out in LV.

you just hit the nail on the head imo

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