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Guest Fade to Black

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hey y0 waitar,

pleeze get me a cheezburg wif chedda,

potato fry and vibskov sweatah

dun need supleme twenty-thurd,

cuz i got nuthin to put init yah heard me?

yo, is my cheezburg raddy yet?

i like my bun toasted, lettuce on the side, dont forget,

cuz vegetbles gotta be crisp, like hunned dolla bills and purple label vest.

hey badman, diss be a mighty gud cheezburg,

wash it down wif marshmello cream sodr.

i got to take shit now,

so dis rhyme be over.

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haha cuddly, nice line, but i drive a 2001 dodge caravan, so close, but no cigar..

ok, ok, you can bust on my car

but in reality that won't get you that far

im really a nice guy, but when we get down to it

i can rip you a new one, and you wont even know it

so please take a seat, while i sort this out right quick

im gonna lay it out with something kind, light, and sick.

cuddly your nothin, your name says it all

you wanna touch little boys, and its comin uyp on fall

when the kids dress up nice, and you get all your jolly's

from makin the folly of trying to volley with me, im like Pauley

as in Paul's Boutique, that beastie boys track

album, don't step, or you're gonna be whack

so please stay down, cause i won't wanna put it in you

like a knife in butter, or some motherfuckin ju-jitsu

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i'm like a knife in the neck of young pre-k child

my rap styles is bound to make bananas go wild

monkey see monkey do, all y'all dudes is mild

10,000 bars and running, translate that to miles

davis tees for free for all my chinee friends in flushing

when my double label drops get in line no rushing

killin dudes easy like mackin on preteen russians

when i buck its like a performance with mad percussion

pop pop pop ratatat bLAOW BLAOW

watch the blood leak from your head, whos the man now?

dog, i am a walking problem, a serious contender

a life ender, you are just a rhyme pretender

your game is weak skills leak like juice out of young daughters

im talkin about french food, dude, not quarter waters

you couldnt understand the level my mind works at

blow blaaow, pop pop pop ratatatatat atatat

watch as the mouse is devoured by the oh emm cat.

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clickity clack i'm sick with these raps

heavy metal shit, these lames i will smash

y'all is worthless like a house of ash

i run up on motha fuckas and pull out my nutsack

on your face bitch, you'z a mom driving a caravan

i just put the roof down on my shit and get a suntan

i am what i am, step to me i'll address you like a mailman

i'm on that suck it or not shit like killa cam

and i'll make your girl sweat, like weezy i'm the fireman

i'm outta here now, in my sams straight from japan

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clickity clack ur mind is on crack

your raps aint sick, u got hit wiht an ugly stick

you said you got sams from japan is that so?

imma promise to take you to tokyo,

then i lie and drop your ass off to cold ass hokkaido

during the winter, it gets cold like my rhymes

imma drop dimes and nickels, 1,2,3

imma stomp u wiht my rick owens hi tops size 43

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ahaha bitch please

your fuckin name is cuddlysheep

make a christmas sweater outta you and sell it to westside fo cheaP

you need that vacine cause my words are like rabies

i'm such a comic, fuck man i got the pasties

i'm so high right now i feel like i got a disease

my eyes are red as fuck, shit it ain't allergies

please stop lickin my dick like its a freezie

my dong ain't for you fag, it's for the ladies

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  soundbomber said:

you call yourself robert toshiro, the hero or was it robert deniro?

that's toshiro like mifune, like the samurai master

like chop socky all your limbs leave em hard-set in plaster

nurse come twice a day and spoon feed your castor

while i'm getting money like my last name was astor

he ran new york shit i run the interstates

movin all types of product in all types of weight

monopoly style, and i'm jackin up rates

rack up scores like lt and antonio gates

run, catch, pass, block, consensus first team

while you still rhymin on some second-string scheme

my lines on them tees coming soon from supreme

you waitin in line while i'm flyin gulf stream

you payin retail, got mine for free

that's just how it go for real sufu mcs

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so you said your dick for the ladies u fake like turf grass

then how come suckdick said he had u the other night

lickin his ass

your eyes are red from smokin cheep weed laced with angel dust

now you sittin actin paranoid like a game of metroid

you got the pasties, thats what youre legs look on wayt thread

you best stay home and bake bread.

  skiniks said:
ahaha bitch please

your fuckin name is cuddlysheep

make a christmas sweater outta you and sell it to westside fo cheaP

you need that vacine cause my words are like rabies

i'm such a comic, fuck man i got the pasties

i'm so high right now i feel like i got a disease

my eyes are red as fuck, shit it ain't allergies

please stop lickin my dick like its a freezie

my dong ain't for you fag, it's for the ladies

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that might be the single worst rhyme i've ever read

so let's stick to this theme and rhyme about bread

yes, i got a litte bit i could probably sponsor this thread

but you're wack as shit so i'd rather buy a jamaican bobsled

and yes, i do claim i get a lot of head

but from some decent hoes, you fuckin inbred

i don't usually hate, i prefer love instead

but i ain't no homo and it sounds like you're tryin to get me in bed

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Read? Bread? I spat that in kindergarten

Betchur a 300 fan, wishin' you were spartan

Cambridge hoes are no where near acceptable

Sort of like baseball cards, worthless yet collectable

When this is all over you'll be begging me to fuck your mom

No thanks dude, don't wanna get blood on my clan's tartan

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common jon stop actin like you're legendary like troy

your rhymes are immature as fuck like chris farley in tommy boy

just about as unoriginal as a tattoo of a koi

if you wanna battle, your whole family i'll destroy

i do this for fun, not for sparta or the glory

seriously- me, you and matt should drink some forties

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ok, yall step, a head of the pack

but your just like rappers from off the rack

you all claim to have "game" but you sound the same

and the main brain we all sustain is tellin me that you're all just insane

insane as stupid, or lacking common sense

we're all average joes, but my rhymes are still the best

you might rap about pot, or call some beef

or think that you might just have the reach

to teach me how to spit and to play this game

but here it is, put you all to shame

you think youre jackson pollack in your colorful schemes

but its like using a spinart and saying "im making my dreams!"

please do not repeat, that was an art reference

cause you gotta be cultured here, on the sufu-net

visit the louv're, or check this set

of whimsical words flowin from the stream

of my mean rapper eatin, green machine

savin energy on you fools, using non-incandescents

to burn out ya retinas, takin bets-naws

cause you all keep repeatin

like a PSA

"we're the best here, now go away"

but please, don't let me stop you, though you really aint shit

try to step to me in my rhymin pit

like a battle royale, ill take you on, royale with cheese man,

and im fuckin gone. gone as in right here, takin ya on, makin you wrong, singin my song

and all in all, still right here with grace and aplomb

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keep the circlejerk shit outta this thread

as evidenced by the last few rhymes

yall nothin but braindead

couple a fools from ontario

20 minutes for six bars?

ya both must be very slow

there's a reason there aint no hip hop canucks

you're from a barren wasteland tundra fulla dumb fucks

And jeepster -

I don't know how many hours you invested

writin them weak ass rhymes geared to impress me

all I can say is up your quality

you may have long bars but you cannot ball with me

take a tip from the champ

you should stick to bein a post tramp

even though that hasn't gotten you far

damn son, look at your rep bar

gottabout 900 more posts and still have less cred than this sufustar

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  destructodisk said:
keep the circlejerk shit outta this thread

as evidenced by the last few rhymes

yall nothin but braindead

couple a fools from ontario

20 minutes for six bars?

ya both must be very slow

there's a reason there aint no hip hop canucks

you're from a barren wasteland tundra fulla dumb fucks

And jeepster -

I don't know how many hours you invested

writin them weak ass rhymes geared to impress me

all I can say is up your quality

you may have long bars but you cannot ball with me

take a tip from the champ

you should stick to bein a post tramp

even though that hasn't gotten you far

damn son, look at your rep bar

gottabout 900 more posts and still have less cred than this sufustar

touche sir, i see your point

but don't start yet, i havent even bgun to light up this joint

on the tangent of how, what, and where

all these rhymes come from, but please sit back, relax, and annoint

the feet of a god, that being me

who busts so many lines

you'd think i was straight OG

like tony montana, blowin mad coke

but all you blowin my man, is mad stank smoke

see my rep bar is low, for lack of fits

pics and whatnot, so dont get think you're gettin at it

it being the root of the problem

deep in the ground

you think your hot shit, but lemme show you around

with these words that i speak, straight from the heart

i dont want beef son, so dont even start

these bars are spit, and dont get on the bar for my lack of pic

in wywtd, so please stay away,

i dont own a digital camera,

so dont be hatin, ok?

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swords and daggers i'd rather battle rap these cowards

leave them in the middle of nowhere for crows to devour

if you wanna battle you're gonna have to pay by the hour

i'll take your ass out as if i was jack bauer

distructo, you make me feel so empowered

you're a trick, i should slap you with baby powder

i'm droppin bombs on you just like pearl harbour

20 minutes? nah, i come up with these rhymes quicker than you could conjure

i'm crossing you out just like your grandma's crosswords

next in line is jeepster who's about to go into cardiac arrest

see you're just a fan, and my name's ron artest

please quit now is all i can really suggest

my beef is too raw you're not able to digest

i just started rhyming you lames are my beta test

you're really starting to annoy me like a bad house guest

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im sittin all pretty with my pearl milk thai tea,

sippin like a 12 yrd old chiny

happy as can be

but you cant sting me wiht that dior polo iconic bee

i rather chill out ntonight cause i dont know whats going on

where the party at?

i need a new hat

i need a new girl,

i need to get paid.

i need to get a __________.

abstract rhymes son!

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here's an update on my recent defeats

i took out branespload and the cuddlysheep

next on my list, well his name starts with jeep

i'm not even scared, it'll be a clean sweep

if there's anyone else then step up and speak

but i've got more tricks than criss angel the mind freak

it's really starting to look like i'm on a winning streak

spitting freestyles every single day of the week

if you wanna progress then peep my technique

i just get as high the rocky mountain's peak

and i rip and i rhyme from japan to mozambique

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  skiniks said:
here's an update on my recent defeats

i took out branespload and the cuddlysheep

next on my list, well his name starts with jeep

i'm not even scared, it'll be a clean sweep

if there's anyone else then step up and speak

but i've got more tricks than criss angel the mind freak

it's really starting to look like i'm on a winning streak

spitting freestyles every single day of the week

if you wanna progress then peep my technique

i just get as high the rocky mountain's peak

and i rip and i rhyme from japan to mozambique

well, let me put it this way

you had your little day

ecclesiastical and shit -

king in a way

but im just gonna say, your faggot rhymes were gay

you try to step to this beef

im not gonna give any relief

because im to real with you man

you're gonna get beat

like the meat on the street thats takin the heat

of well, i dunno,

im killin you man, your rhymes are just too so-so

so please do yourself a favor, and stop right now

try some turkey jerky

or some tofu, pal

cause this beef is lean

98% to be exact,

and that aint whack

cause i got my boys to back me if you try and go on the attack

you try to just prove canada can rap

well im tellin you bud

im serving this match

match point that is, goin for the championed rhymes

please dont step to me, cause i know you take your time

tryin to perfect your flow, but its not gonna show that you know that this blow is killin every other average joe

just like yourself

and no, i dont do this for my health

so please, maybe ill just share the wealth -

if youre gonna come at me, than try to keep it below the waist

cause im takin it to your girl, right in the same place

and im tellin you man, shes lovin my shit

eat her out, suckin her tits

its like some porn shit, and im a hit

she may as well leave you, youre just not it

so please do yourself a favor

and leave this bout

because i just verbally bitch slapped your shit - peace im out.

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dude, i can take you out and i'm outta my mind

i was just gotta blaze, kick it and unwind

but now i see you beefin' so i'm inclined

to murder your shit and leave you behind

can you please explain to me why i'm wasting my time

i should really just end this and say bye-bye

cause all you are is a fuckin' wise guy

your rhyming is a crime, so PLEASE don't try

and don't accuse me of taking time to write rhymes

i write 'em on the spot and i'm not even at my prime

you just write random shit, you're pussy like corona and lime

and i ain't jockin' destructo but i'm sure he'd co-sign

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alright so check this -

im home on a friday

wheelin and dealin

tryin to just chill like its my way

but this fool skiniks wants to throw down

a verbal war, and to take the crown

so please, go ahead sir, call in some backup

its not gonna help when all these fools startin crackin up

at your dirt poor lines, you say you dont take the time

but i bet it took you a good five seconds to think up "corona and lime"

pretty good one man, i bet your sippin some nady ice, think your the shit, thinkin your so nice

"oh the girls say im ill, at rhymin on these fools"

let me give you a tip, skin, you're a tool

like a monkey-wrench, you crank yourself

thinking your smokin, like an iledelph

thats a piece by the way, some smokin glass

but thats kinda irrelevant, don't you think? lets pass

it around to the left, but don't forget to cough

but your surely intent not to back off

i dont want no beef, and i do digress, but if your gonna step, then ill spit to impress

theres no limit on this rhyme

just a freestyle, not even past its prime

so why do you gotta go to war with me?

oh i forget that you're just trying to impress d

as in destructo, up yonder

but your stream is weak, and mostly water

so please, i implore you, im even down on me knee's -

get of my T.I.P., and suck on deez:


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this kids talkin shit, ok jeepster

you'll taste the bottom of my sneaker

the flow so hot, my rhymes burn like some reefer

but i pre-fer to serve wannabe MCs raw like sushi

your girls in my starting line up, status is groupie

my style flows like water - like my name was MC Bruce Lee

who me? thats right, i fucked yo bitch

and i will bust yo lip

plus your flow is wacker than destructodisk

so stay in your lane when spaghettis in the thread

take it as a threat son you heard the words i said

and i will bring the heat like theres a burner to your head

all your words is harmless

im a beast with no harness

jeepsters assasinated whos my next target?

and you know that i wont rest until the battle is won

put the keyboard down son log off and run

verse over, close the book because your chapter is done

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well, it was a gallant try, but i aint dead

not dead like you expect, but dead like im about ta mash ya head

so ay bay bay, im gonna show you one two

where the rhymes be at, and how i motherfuckin do

so you fancy yourself an assissin, well let me tell you my son

you wouldnt know the first thing about handling a gun

now im talking metaphorically, and basically a bit borishly

so ill just lay it out so you can accept it like morrisey

there are riots on the streets of london, the way im spittin rhymes

pot shots from the crowd, people in the nines

cause im shootin at your style, im shootin at your game

im shootin at all you motherfuckers, cause im the one

to make it rain

ill spell it out nice and easy, like some fergie shit

or michael jeezy

y is for yallz bitches, trying to step to me

o is for you fools who think you know about weed

u is for you fuckers who think you got game

s is for you suckaz who think they can play

u is back for you pussies, tearin you up

c is for your moms cunt, which im makin my hunt

and k is for me, im a kike

but i got some killer rhymes to syke you like you're some sorta bull dyke

so please, you all suck, but its fun to see ya try

don't step to me motherfuckers, unless you wanna die.

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  jeepster said:
alright so check this -

im home on a friday

wheelin and dealin

tryin to just chill like its my way

but this fool skiniks wants to throw down

a verbal war, and to take the crown

so please, go ahead sir, call in some backup

its not gonna help when all these fools startin crackin up

at your dirt poor lines, you say you dont take the time

but i bet it took you a good five seconds to think up "corona and lime"

pretty good one man, i bet your sippin some nady ice, think your the shit, thinkin your so nice

"oh the girls say im ill, at rhymin on these fools"

let me give you a tip, skin, you're a tool

like a monkey-wrench, you crank yourself

thinking your smokin, like an iledelph

thats a piece by the way, some smokin glass

but thats kinda irrelevant, don't you think? lets pass

it around to the left, but don't forget to cough

but your surely intent not to back off

i dont want no beef, and i do digress, but if your gonna step, then ill spit to impress

theres no limit on this rhyme

just a freestyle, not even past its prime

so why do you gotta go to war with me?

oh i forget that you're just trying to impress d

as in destructo, up yonder

but your stream is weak, and mostly water

so please, i implore you, im even down on me knee's -

get of my T.I.P., and suck on deez:

ok-ok i gotta admit

that right there was some fuckin legit shit

but i ain't never been on the t.i.p of no dick

regardless of what you say, my shit is fresh like slick rick

your mouth is like an asshole, shit is all you can spit

don't worry, i can supply you with a "how to rap" kit

first, get a blade and slit your wrist

you're going nowhere, just cease to exist

this is just for fun, dude why you so pissed?

i'm gonna make a martyr outta you, call you john the baptist

you're my number one fan, should i put you on my mailing list

this shit is TOO funny i cannot resist

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  skiniks said:
ok-ok i gotta admit

that right there was some fuckin legit shit

but i ain't never been on the t.i.p of no dick

regardless of what you say, my shit is fresh like slick rick

your mouth is like an asshole, shit is all you can spit

don't worry, i can supply you with a "how to rap" kit

first, get a blade and slit your wrist

you're going nowhere, just cease to exist

this is just for fun, dude why you so pissed?

i'm gonna make a martyr outta you, call you john the baptist

you're my number one fan, should i put you on my mailing list

this shit is TOO funny i cannot resist

well alright

thats a good return

but see im roger federer

and i tend to burn

those fools who try to serve the aces

see im the one on top man

ill put you through your paces

i do like your style, and your lines are cute

but im really not a sucka, so please think aboot

whether im gonna stick this boot right up ya ass

a verbal boot, metaphorical and shit, no need to pass

on the opportunity to give you a lesson

you can always come back, but ill keep yall guessin

cause ive got mad rhymes and plenty of cred

in fact my man, ill just leave this one dead

cause im already top flight having won this fight, way back a couple posts ago

just let me shine a light

to illuminate this point of how good i am

like kanye west saying he's like mia hamm

best at what we do, rhymin as sport

please don't try to compete, ive already written a report

on how im just that much better at what i do

and how your lines stick like r. kelly's doo-doo

some in the closet shit, so listen a bit,

to a lesson on repressin how im killin it

with rhymes like budda, you'd almost believe

im like mike myerrs on some snl steez

so please put down your pencils, lessons basically over

im the boss round here, so bend over rover

so heres the moral of the story: im really not in it for the glory

for the beef, or for the keef

i just wanna make you feel all gory

cause you just got verbally shanked

somewhat of a spanked rank cause my flow is so dank

so please do yourself a favor - walk the plank.

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first off jeep, i'm the boss

all your rhymes are being served with a side of weak sauce

me losing is rare, like supreme x kate moss

i'm starting to get worried, shall i call the red cross?

it's almost too late for that towel to be tossed

i'm in it to win at any fuckin' cost

my style's too fly, and you just look lost

you wanna talk about tennis? well i'm Rene Lacoste

big budget, bitch. i should become a public speaker

i can give you some advice, "gimme them fuckin' sneakers"

lyrically and physically jack you like jeepers creepers

don't watch me or i'll be removing your peepers

no homo don't tell me to bend over

try and pull that shit on me, you're gonna need a 4 leaf clover

i'll have you facing down like the mars rover

that's a love set, this battle's the only thing over

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  skiniks said:
first off jeep, i'm the boss

all your rhymes are being served with a side of weak sauce

me losing is rare, like supreme x kate moss

i'm starting to get worried, shall i call the red cross?

it's almost too late for that towel to be tossed

i'm in it to win at any fuckin' cost

my style's too fly, and you just look lost

you wanna talk about tennis? well i'm Rene Lacoste

big budget, bitch. i should become a public speaker

i can give you some advice, "gimme them fuckin' sneakers"

lyrically and physically jack you like jeepers creepers

don't watch me or i'll be removing your peepers

no homo don't tell me to bend over

try and pull that shit on me, you're gonna need a 4 leaf clover

i'll have you facing down like the mars rover

that's a love set, this battle's the only thing over

well i'd be damned if i didnt admit

kid, you got some flow, and youre alright with it

alright with a few lines, but im still better

back to the idea that im roger federer

my game is immaculate, im hitin you inside out

cross the court of words, ill always win this bout

now i do like you my son, and please believe me

its not longer beef, but someting entirely more easy

now that we've proved that we can't best eachother, we may as well just test eachother

to see who can rhyme more intrisically fine, don't worry bout time,

we're just runnin this line

like a steam train, some vintage shit

we're kickin bars like jigga, people are callin us a hit

cause i know youre gettin rep

and so am i, so we may as well join forces

and take the whole goddamn pie

i christen us, the sufu rappers, elaborate on the name, please spit like some lappers

we're bad for ya teeth, but good for the soul

we're kings of this shit, no more beef on this role

call it veggie light because we rhyme so tight, maybe lay down a few tracks and make this board get nice

so lets put down are verbal gats, and sit right back, we're the top of the pops, and no one else is at

this level of perfection, no ones even steppin

so take it easy my son, no need for the weap'n.

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okay fam, i can dig it

i guess you could say we're somethin' like snoop dogg and xzibit

together we can close the compition like a Vista widget

a pack of wolves, attacking these little piglets

pass me the rock, i'ma dunk after i pivot

watch these dudes disappear like my denim's hidden rivets

then grab some girls and make 'em say uh like no limit

pick a girl outta any crowd, i bet i get them digits

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the styles automatic, i don't lack shit, i'll have you sucka emcees buried in a casket

every day the wordplay is like clay, to your dismay, kill anything that comes this way

i operate at night, a tactical test, s-o-s, i smash on sight

you beg for life, slugged in your chest, no vest, unprotected like the rest

the god, i'm militant, slay the ignorant, double-tap left you impotent

i'm hot, i'm cold, thoughts of war, leave your complete central nervous system sore

encore, they want more, so i slay with the ak both ways

sickness, you witness, this disasterous asterisk, touched by the death kiss

your method is restless, killed, your guts spilled all over the canvas

all the way to your core, you abort the war after day four.

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