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Good Current Korean Pop music? Haha, I know, I know..


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So, growing up in middle school/highschool, almost all my friends were Korean. (weird huh?) And I'd listen to H.O.T., GOD, Shinwha, Wheesung, etc., til my ears bled. Now, I'm all grown up, working in Japan, my music tastes are a bit more diversified but I wanna know what good in Korean pop music nowadays (perhaps an oxymoron I suppose)...does Wheesung still sing? Do school girls still wear those fuzzy mittins that H.O.T. used to rock back in middle school? Whats good superfuture?!

P.S. Is CB Mass still around?

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CB Mass? I don't think so.

HOT broke up, GOD broke up, Baby Vox, SES, Shinhwa...a ton of groups broke up.

BoA, Fly to the Sky, Jinusean, Hyori, Taebin, Dong Bang Shin Ki, YG Family, Bi (Rain), Se7en, 1Tym, Chae Yeon...off the top of my head that are popular from another forum I go to (soompi).

as for me im into ballads ( yea mad pussy i know ) kim bum so, jo sung mo, lee soo young.

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Haha. Things haven't changed all too much. Shinhwa and Wheesung are still around, but Superjunior and other new groups are more popular with the younger generation now. K-pop groups are now sort of emulating the Japanese ones with 10+ members... like Morning Musume. But as far as music is concerned, K-pop still isn't very good.

Now, the Korean hip-hop scene regularly comes up with some quality music. CB Mass is long gone, but two of the three members formed another group called Dynamic Duo a couple of years back. I recommend, if you can get access to it somehow, that you listen to music by Dynamic Duo, Def Conn, TBNY, and MC Meta.

Where did you go for high school?

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although pretty old already, i always liked these songs.

brown eyes - already one year

1 tym - one love

kiss - because im a girl (when i was in college all these girls cried after watching the music video. the girl in it was so damn hot it made me cry.)

yuki hsu & yoo seung jun - can't wait

as one - someday

5tion - (i forget the name of the song)

and some good ol' drunken tiger

heres that music video just in case you havent seen it:


haha lame i know...

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Asides from the mainstream stuff, Korea hip hop and b-boys have really developed out here. Stuff like Dynamic Duo, Epic High, Baechigi, Sniper, Defcom, Buggaz Kingz and a whole mess of stuff is out along with the old school DJ DOC, Drunken Tiger, etc.

I'm not a fan of K-pop but since living here you do hear it a lot. As a side note, Jay-Z will be performing here for the first time in Korea so it should be interesting to see the heads coming out.

And don't forget Bi (Rain).

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Korean deep house?!?! Holy shit, I live here and used to club daily, Monday through Sunday, and korean deep house never really registered with me... me and an English friend had gotten to the point where we'd be able to forecast local Seoul club playlists a month in advance....

I was actually sitting in some bar last week here and heard Nude Dimensions 3, took me way back....

This thread was a surprise, never expected djrajio to post a k-pop thread, hahaha. I teach Korean middle school kids who are up on this shit obviously but I know absolutely fuck all. There's actually a book I teach most semesters, with a lesson on the roots of rock and roll starting from Bill Haley and Comets and I use that to go off on a tangent to discount K-pop and try to inspire to kids here to listen to real music, actually. Really gets the local kids scratching their heads and thinking....

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Korean music artists strike me as fake as hell. A lot of girls are cute but I've never been into one single male artist. Maybe because so much of it is hip-hop, which asians just cannot pull off.
Uh duh. Thats why I like it. Sometimes you just want some good korean gangsta music to pick u up in the morning, u kno?
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Korean music artists strike me as fake as hell. A lot of girls are cute but I've never been into one single male artist. Maybe because so much of it is hip-hop, which asians just cannot pull off.

Uh, what the fuck are you talking about? All that Teriyaki Boyz shit must have you thinking like that. Asians can pull of hip-hop- just not that tedious gangsta shit thats going on in the states. I doubt that you've actually listened to some asian hiphop, excluding the superficial layer of worthless BAPExSTAR TRAK trash.

However, if youre talking about hip-hop emulation by boy bands and such, you would be right. Then again- pop is not hip hop, and no one from a boy band can truly do hip-hop.

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^^ There was another scandal by this singer name Baek Ji Young .. i think thats her name.

She has a sex tape out if you wanna download it lol

yeah her sex tape is out there on the net

not much you can see tho, and its kinda boring =/

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