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What were the last three pairs of jeans you wore??


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Not a very constructive post, but its always nice to talk about jeans!! Heres mine....

1) Edwin Nashvilles. I got these about 3 weeks ago, so these are my main jeans at the moment, concentrating on getting some good wear on them. Nice fit.

2) Levi Repro '33s. Nice old worn jeans, fit is a little too full for my tastes though. I always try and wear a bulky trainer with these (say a basketball-based one, rathe than a slimmer tennis shoe)

3) Lee 101z. The single selvedge European ones. OK jeans, but the denim, with wear, has gone grainy which i don't really like. Nice slim cut though, for those interested in such.

Honourable Mention - An Edwin dark denim blazer.

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Doc not much happenin here so I'll post:

1) Edwin 503SS3 Sen Diamond Fit. 18 months old and my favs

2) True Religion Joeys Twisted 2 pairs super used / normal - great fit

3) RA.RE boot cut dry denim distressed

Honourable Mention - Oliver Spencer Suit Jacket Distressed - it's rock n roll

4) Blue Blood bring up the rear!!!!

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Hmm that'll be easy; I'm always in Jeans

1) Rogan: they just fit and goes extremely well with my Tokyo superstars

2) Paper Denim: what more can a gal ask for in a pair of jeans?

3) Stella McCartneys: You know, this girl knows how to make leg lengthening jeans...

This is all random.......

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and project srs

don't know how to describe that as detail as you guys except that they are well-worn and hardly ever washed. my levis has numerous sratches cuts, and lining of cotton exposed. the white part underneath the blue part you feelin me?

-don't hate, appreciate-

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and project srs

don't know how to describe that as detail as you guys except that they are well-worn and hardly ever washed. my levis has numerous sratches cuts, and lining of cotton exposed. the white part underneath the blue part you feelin me?

--- Original message by aitsuka on Mar 14, 2005 05:47 PM

U Japanese? Yeh my old Japanese housemate used to almost never wash his jeans, just wore em in - said it'd fade better that way. Every day he'd do 100 squats in his jeans to improve the fade and he'd say to always, ALWAYS carry yur wallet in the back pocket. He taught me a lot..icon_smile.gif

I put his brains all over the street sos u could see what he was just thinkin

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half japanese, half chinese.

do it asian way

never wash your jeans = nice and faded plus it's comfortable

carry wallet in the back pocket = in time the creases of the wallet will wear making a delicious mark on the back

fade ripped, scratched is the best....

-don't hate, appreciate-

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1937 Lee Cowboy 101 B Hair on Hide Japanese copy

1950's Wrangler Blue Bell 11MWZ Japanese copy

Spring/Summer 2002 Junya Watanabe Man Comme des Garcons/Levi's collaboration, tailored from size fat (46" waist) to size normal. I think these are the best designer/staple collaboration ever. My friends have banned me from talking about them anymore (apparently I talk about them a lot). My friends also tell me they make me look like a dwarf, and I suppose they do, but I don't care because they are awesome objects.

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