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Denim World Championship - SuFu Division

Max Power

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June - new boring job.. forces me to wear all black raws.. (not that I am complaining that much). Even more progress, wohoo..






July-September - Busy months, lots and lots of photography.. ! After a lot of photography and other stuff I had to give them a wash!





After that and a root canal filling I was like this:





December - 210 wears + 1 soak + 2 washes + 1 wedding later, not much going on.. a little more progress! I haven't worn these as much lately.. :/












(looking good, I guess?)


end of part 3

Edited by MindRewind
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Some photos taken during that time, more or less:





That's about it! I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!



Wedding bonus pics:









(thx to Helena Killander for the wedding pics above..!)








Sorry for the long post/spam..! ;):D Have a good one!

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On 22/12/2016 at 7:04 PM, MindRewind said:

April - A little progress but not much! Went on a small trip with my soon to be wife + some friends.. , took some black & white photos as well with my precious Hasselblad.. :)




(at least I got two nice images, wohoo.. :))



(developed in my kitchen with Kodak XTOL, all images taken with an old Hasselblad 500 C/M, for film I used Fuji Neopan Acros.. as it's the best for this kind of stuff!)



end of part 2

OK I'll bite - your landscapes are stunning, esp the black and white ones. Do you have a website?

Edited by holio cornolio
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Tell us more about your photography (film, etc.) -- beautiful.  Love the shot through the trees -- reminds me of a print I have from Michael Kenna.  Do you know his work?


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Nizzel - strong work as ever. Those are looking truly epic now.

I've been a bad contestant. Not only have i been remiss in my updates, but I've been unfaithful to my TCBs, spending time, entertaining the Roy Big Bros whilst they were here in the UK. And I'm about to step almost immediately into another tour, so I thought that I really should post some update pics. Getting back into the TCBs is truly like being with an old friend now. They are comfortable beyond words, and despite very regular wear for 18 months or so now, they've still not needed a single repair. I've stopped cuffing them for the time being as the hems were getting a bit rough as you'll see. They've been washed... erm... plenty, and also tumble dried. They're starting to blow out in a few places and that just makes me love them more. An honourable mention has to also go to the Rivet and Hide english bridle leather belt, which is developing slowly and beautifully. Deserves it's own thread really. And dark spots are because I took these pics outside and I laid the jeans on wettish ground. Light inside is terrible at the moment...






to be continued...

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I love these macro shots (I mean macros in general - not mine in particular) I love to see how the fabric disintegrates. It's magical...


The hem where the cuff has started to abrade through


Nice bit of roping





last but not least - my favourite detail at the moment:



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On 22.12.2016 at 8:07 PM, MindRewind said:

June - new boring job.. forces me to wear all black raws.. (not that I am complaining that much). Even more progress, wohoo..


July-September - Busy months, lots and lots of photography.. ! After a lot of photography and other stuff I had to give them a wash!

After that and a root canal filling I was like this:




December - 210 wears + 1 soak + 2 washes + 1 wedding later, not much going on.. a little more progress! I haven't worn these as much lately.. :/



(looking good, I guess?)


end of part 3

Just saw them now, and your Lee jeans are looking beautiful!!!!

Keep them alive for ever

And have a great 2017 as well

Stay Blue

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23 hours ago, nizzel55 said:

411 days
412 days


It's always a pleasure to follow your incredible nice denim evolution results.

It seems that you have some magic denim evo legs

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A little update from me. I started a new job at the beginning of December that is pretty much fieldwork 5 days a week. Unfortunately, I am forced to wear a uniform (brown pants), so was a little bummed. Thankfully (for now), the uniform provider is having issues so I've been able to wear what I want the past month so I've put in some good use on my Samurai's. But now, they are starting to really fall apart. So, I decided to try a few home repairs. Be warned, the stitching is absolutely awful, but hey, it works! You can see the stitching a lot better in the daylight but it's still pretty hard to see since It matches the denim color pretty well. The fabric is pretty damn thin, and is fraying pretty bad so we'll see how long it lasts.


The Fabric


Cellphone hole after being repaired


inside of whole


Chapstick hole 


Chapstick hole inside


More crotch tearing (I don't think this one will last but we'll see)






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17 hours ago, d-rew12 said:

A little update from me. I started a new job at the beginning of December that is pretty much fieldwork 5 days a week. Unfortunately, I am forced to wear a uniform (brown pants), so was a little bummed. Thankfully (for now), the uniform provider is having issues so I've been able to wear what I want the past month so I've put in some good use on my Samurai's. But now, they are starting to really fall apart. So, I decided to try a few home repairs. Be warned, the stitching is absolutely awful, but hey, it works! You can see the stitching a lot better in the daylight but it's still pretty hard to see since It matches the denim color pretty well. The fabric is pretty damn thin, and is fraying pretty bad so we'll see how long it lasts.

The Fabric

Cellphone hole after being repaired

inside of whole

Chapstick hole 

Chapstick hole inside

More crotch tearing (I don't think this one will last but we'll see)


I love your repairs

And keep them alive for ever and keep us updated on them

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Great updates Slowitchu!!!!!

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The last few months of the DWC are finally here, and it’s great to see that we still have quite a few regular contributors showing off their well-worn denim and boots. These long contests are a real test of a wearers endurance and, just as with the previous contests, it’s understandable that quite a few contestants have dropped away. For those who have stuck out the long road it is time to start thinking about how we are going complete the DWC.


The DWC will officially end of May 1st 2017, after this date the following will happen.


-          Remaining contestants will have 2 weeks (until May 15th) to post their final submission pictures. Due to some finding the DWC forum a little difficult to use we will accept submissions on both Superfuture, and the Iron Heart forum also. All final submissions must contain the following information.

·         User name

·         Jeans/ jacket/ boots worn (Brand/ model)

·         Period of wear (2 years? 1.5 years?)

·         Weight class entered (jeans only)


-          From May 15th we will take 2 weeks to collate all the entries, verify participation, and get submissions ready for the judges to view. This will be complete approximately May 30th.


-          The judges will then have four weeks to advise the DWC of their choice of winners from each category.


-          In case of a tie in any category the DWC will have the final decision on the winner.


-          Winners will be announced on or around July 1st.


Finally, it is a sad reality of the denim business that sometimes retailers go out of business, this has, unfortunately, affected some prize sponsorship of the DWC in certain categories. We will endeavour to ensure that remaining prizes are shared as fairly as possible, but where no prize is available from a sponsor we will attempt to find an alternative.


Thank you for sharing your amazing denim journey with us. It has, as always, been a genuine pleasure.


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7 hours ago, BionicEye said:


time for a wash and some repairs
i sitll dont understand the hole in my back pocket


Wonderful denim evolution seen here!!!!!

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Honestly, I haven't even thought about it yet. I'm not sure how much interest there is in contests these days.

i'd like to do something different next, maybe a special run, tour contest with a great brand.


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