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[WTB] SS09 Rick Owens Intarsia (m)


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Hey everyone, been away for a while since my last major closet cleaning. Like the title says I'm looking for an SS09 RO Intarsia Moto (band collar) preferably in black in a size medium. I don't want any high collars, I'm only interested in the band collar. There's been a plethora of different versions of this particular design throughout the years and I'd be interested in looking at something similar however I'm pretty set on this one.

Also, if anyone's willing to sell the blistered white (milk/pearl) in a medium I would jump on it immediately.





I'm willing to drop $1200 max depending on the quality/upkeep of the jacket. Please either reply to this thread or feel free to send me a PM and please include photos. Money will be sent through PayPal immediately upon agreement.

Thanks a lot, everyone, I appreciate any assistance and would love to purchase this great jacket before the weekend.

Edited by schindlerian
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