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Flight 3

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Flight 3

July 8, 2006 - July 26, 2006

Opening Reception: Saturday, July 8, 2006

Nucleus Presents the Flight 3 Show:

Original work by the artists from the Flight 3 anthology will be on exhibition from July 8 to July 26 in our beautiful two-story gallery. We will be featuring pages from the book along with other new, original works from the artists. The show is geared for people of all kinds- from the art enthusiasts to the comic buffs, Flight fans, and new readers interested in the exciting graphic narrative artform. Following the success of our last Flight show this one should be just as entertaining. Flight began as a small independent project with an unpredictable future, but has quickly become a top-selling, critically-acclaimed comics anthology now being published by Ballantine Books, a division of Random House Publishing. Come join Nucleus and the Flight family on this fun-filled night. We will have a DJ playing music and an official Nucleus bartender will be serving drinks throughout the evening.

Flight Volume 3 features stories by

Alex Fuentes



Becky Cloonan

Ben Hatke

Bill Plympton

Chuck BB

Dave Roman

Israel Sanchez

Joey Weiser

Johane Matte

Kazu Kibuishi

Kean Soo

Khang Le

Matthew Armstrong

Matthew Forsythe

Michel Gagne

Neil Babra

Paul Harmon

Phil Craven

Rad Sechris

Reagan Lodge


Steve Hamaker

Tony Cliff

Yoko Tanaka


What is Character Design? Lecture with Hong Ly

Nucleus Workshops / Lecture Series

Date & Time: July 15, 2006 (Saturday), 1:00 pm - 6:00pm(Sunday), 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Instructor: Hong Ly

Materials to bring: pencil and sketchbook and an eraser.

To Register: register here

Class Introduction

- What is Character Design?

- Show Research Samples

- Designing with Basic Shapes and Archetypes

Gesture Studies

- Sketchbook Studies Caricatures

- Designing a Character Cast

- Refine for Facial and Body Expression (Tools)

- One on one time with student

- Demo: Photoshop Painting

Designing Game Characters

- Developing game style for Target Audience

- Review: Archetypes, tools, & Shapes

- Character interaction: Objects and World


- Humanoid Creature Design: Percentages

- Studying organic forms, gestures and rhythm

- Show how to present a finished design

Value Design & Color Theory

- How to lead your viewer’s eyes

Hong Ly- Production Designer/ Concept Artist/ 3D Artist

Hong has worked for eight years as a game developer, specializing in character and visual development. He has worked on projects for Electronic Arts, THW, NCSoft, GT Lucas Arts, Interplay and various other publishers and developers. He has also worked on a wide range of interactive projects from The Incredibles, Spongebob Squarepants, Fallout and several other shipping titles. He has taught character and production design at Art Center College of Design, Associates in Arts and Gnomon School of Visual effects. In the past year, he launched www.characterdesigns.com a free resource for artists.

30 West Main Street

Alhambra Ca 91801

For more info visit our site


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