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Shooting people in the face saved my life


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  DÃœM said:
the one thing bothering me about mw3 is the killstreaks. there are too many. I realize they're broken into 3 tiers but there's still too many options per tier. it's going to be fucking annoying.

That's why I'm running the super-soldier set or whatever.

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BF3 is pretty good, but feels gimped in a lot of ways...

I agree with Tab that its not a huge step as the last two seemed to be, as well, the environments do not feel as destructible... the animations are choppy and sometimes the bugs can just get to be too much... I also wonder if i think it looks better or worse than BFBC2...

I hope they come out with a good patch or two...

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  DÃœM said:
the one thing bothering me about mw3 is the killstreaks. there are too many. I realize they're broken into 3 tiers but there's still too many options per tier. it's going to be fucking annoying.

This was something that i too feel might mess with having a streamlined 'pointstreak' experince. I feel that i will be running support, but i really would have loved the opportunity to have the chopper gunner or fuckin sentry gun even to go along with my uav and counter uav. We shall see how it pans out soon enough tho.

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  Magnetic said:
beginning to get into bf3, keep playing metro conquest 64 to lvl up a bit before being shot to shit on the open maps, but i'm enjoying it now.

again, the pc platoon - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655240982566431/

only 2 people :'(

Seriously.. metro is the new karkand. Just be a medic and hang back. Revives are worth 100 points which is the same as killing an enemy. I can usually get 300+ points a minute just by leaving med packs everywhere too.

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Metro conquest is hilarious at the alleyway stairwell that flanks the ticket booths. I love watching the the dumb fucks on my team, and the dumb fucks on the other team, shoot it out for 5+ minutes straight in a complete stalemate. I just chill, revive, and sneak in a few kills and end up with some solid points.

Any 360 bros up for some co-op to get the co-op exclusive guns?

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