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everyone please pay attention to ATS


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I have accounts from like past '05, I be around, just rarely post anything anymore... unless I'm bored and wasted at work on a Friday and can't wait to get the fuck out of here to do nothing.

i think he has another accnt tho

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i left a neg for ATS and we had this little exchange:

For the compliment. But you must have made a mistake with the reputation, because you gave me negative one.

That's ok, it's the thought that counts and the fact you went out of your way to let me know you think I'm cool. But I don't really know you, so I don't know what to say back. I'm quite shy, and haven't really experienced love w a man before. I'm a lesbian butaybe u can send me pic and we can exchange and maybe get to know eachother a little better??? What do you think? This could be rather exciting, I'm happy with the thought and I hope you feel the same way. Actually I know you think I'm cool, but I'm not a dude, so I appreciate if you can just say I'm cool without the "dude" next time. Thanks buddy!

Hope you have an excellent evening!

okay we can exchange pics, this might get a little sexxxy though

here's me


i'm a crab! what do u think hun? i can show you my hepatopancreas if u show me urs ;) ;) ;)

i never got a pm back :(

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He was the most entertainment trash has seen in a while, that's my personal opinion.

He started getting a little weird and crazy towards the end but I think that was based on the attention he was getting, I don't think he knew how to deal with it. It must have frightened him or her whatever. But I'm going to miss ATS.

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He was the most entertainment mainstream america has seen in a while, that's my personal opinion.

He started getting a little weird and crazy towards the end but I think that was based on the attention he was getting, I don't think he knew how to deal with it. It must have frightened him or her whatever. But I'm going to miss Kurt Cobain.

, .|.|.|.|. ,

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yeah the guy couldnt hang

his comments werent even clever

i don't he was clever at all (part of the enertainment), nor trying to be... i just think a lot of you take this too seriously and he was just expressing some hate for some idiots, and i agree with him for the most part...

I remember cheese dick when he first go online and was booed on every front... then all of a sudden got Geller'd out and his balls dropped and the OG's had left by then so he had an opportunity to think he's cool.

He really isn't.

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