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Denim sale at barneys.com


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Pretty good size selection


Nudie Jeans

Regular Ralf - Dry Grey Cast

$119.00 SALE

Earnest Sewn

Logan's Limited Edition Jean

$209.00 SALE

Limited Edition Logan Classic Selvage Jean. Only 500 pairs produced.

Earnest Sewn

Fulton - Line Dry

$119.00 SALE

Low waist zip fly straight leg 5 pocket selvage jean

Earnest Sewn

Fulton - Detox

$129.00 SALE

Acne Jeans

Max - Blackness

$189.00 SALE

Black Skinny Zip fly jean

Acne Jeans

Mic - Punch

$199.00 SALE

Various Rogans,Stich's, Paper Denim etc...

Edited by dilemma on May 31, 2006 at 03:33 PM

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I'm looking for a second pair of dry denim to compliment my RRDS and those Earnest Sewn's caught my eye. Anyone know anything about the Fulton Line Dry's, such as the fit, quality, sizing, etc.? Also, an inseam isn't given, how would I go about figuring that out?

On second thought, the True Religion Bobby Raw's look nice as well, especially for $90. Info on those as well would be appreciated.

Edited by Kewan on May 31, 2006 at 04:11 PM

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Guest jeffvyain

I was in search of a summer job about a week ago, and unfortunately, there isn't any really great clothing stores around, but i checked out the best ones here. I asked them if they had any raw denim, and the only ones they carried were the true religion. Bottom line - they are shit. Maybe if you like the cut and you want some really thin denim that won't last you very long, then you should go for it. But I went in there wearing my APCs and I couldn't believe the difference. They aren't even comparable in quality, and in addition, I'd be very surprised if they fade very well.

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Fulton, I believe is the best selling model from Earnest Sewn. The line dry is of good quality, and trust me, these guys know their denim. If you ever go to NYC, visit their store in Meatpacking District; "An Earnest Cut & Sew". Amazing store. You can customize your own raw denim pant, chosing from different denim qualities, different buttons (Gold, black w/skulls, etc), stitching colours, and of course, cut.

Fulton is called "straight leg", but it has a slight boot-cut. Probably because of the American market's love for boot-cut. Recently the wind has shifted even in the US, leading Earnest Sewn to offer the Rotton (straight leg) and Kyrre (cigaret leg) for mens.

I love my Earnest Sewn pants. Check out the Rotton cut, in wash 71 (dark grey). Marvellous!


Edited by Superma on Jun 4, 2006 at 11:22 AM

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Well, I went ahead and ordered the True Religion's before I saw Jeff's reply. I'd actually like a thinner denim for the summer, but I guess I'll just have to decide for myself whether or not I like them. Returning them is always an option.

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Guest Montreal

How do these True Religion's fit? They look kinda decent, but I'd rather shell out another $50 or whatever and get some Evisu/Puma's

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