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Denim experts and collectors - have you ever saw 50's Levi pink/baby blue selvage ?


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Guys - true I am somewhat new to the denim game but slap me around and ask me who's your daddy ( and I'll black you eye ) if you have EVER saw a pair of these ..

Levi 701 which are lady's 501xx BIG E's from the 1950's deadstock with tags even wow ...

I would imagine just a slimmer lower rise 501 jeans nice for guys as well ..

check it out and make the seller a happy camper tell um numero_uno_3xl sent ya


size 30 x 34 sanforized

Edited by numero_uno_3xl on May 20, 2006 at 12:50 AM

Edited by numero_uno_3xl on May 20, 2006 at 12:51 AM

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I had a pair with hidden rivets, I think they had a 14" rise. I ended up getting $400 for them and was very suprised. I bought them for $80 and thought that was way to much for them! The denim is light, like 11 oz.

Carpe Denim! (not the jean brand silly!)


Edited by Serge d Nimes on May 20, 2006 at 08:47 AM

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High waist for ladies ? ew ..

The pink and baby blue combo is pretty saucy for today's standards imho . Guys wearing dark blue blazers with pastel pink shirts is not dead yet ..

Though I wouldn't still thought they were really nice .

thanks paul and sergey

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LS&Co introduced Lady Levi's because so many women were going to Dude Ranches in Nevada, where they could hang around with tough ol' cowboys and get a quickie divorce. They got a taste for Dude Ranch duds while they were there. The denim look became high fashion - Vogue did a spread on Levi's around 1937 or so.

AS far as I recall the first Lady Levi's had a zip at the side, not the front, a front zip would have been considered indecen and promoting lascivious behaviour. But even in the late 40s, a lot of girls wore boys' jeans, as they were lower-cut and sexier...

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LS&Co introduced Lady Levi's because so many women were going to Dude Ranches in Nevada, where they could hang around with tough ol' cowboys and get a quickie divorce. They got a taste for Dude Ranch duds while they were there. The denim look became high fashion - Vogue did a spread on Levi's around 1937 or so.

AS far as I recall the first Lady Levi's had a zip at the side, not the front, a front zip would have been considered indecen and promoting lascivious behaviour. But even in the late 40s, a lot of girls wore boys' jeans, as they were lower-cut and sexier...

--- Original message by Paul T on May 20, 2006 12:31 PM

What a trip.
Quote: But even in the late 40s, a lot of girls wore boys' jeans, as they were lower-cut and sexier


I knew that women were wearing men's jeans, but I didn't think it was because they were sexier than women's jeans. That cracks me up, especially since nowadays a 5" rise isn't uncommon on women's jeans, while lower than 9" is for men.

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