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prps debut web site


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i promise you i don't work for them. new to the whole denim thing. i'm just a junkie for brands that have a great story and authenticity. (i can't afford them, but i can still admire good stuff). there's a lot of junk out here.

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I really wonder abt PRPS... are they really... errm... authentic as they seem? or is it sort of a "constructed authenticity"?

ok i know most brands have a sorta fabricated image... but if i am not wrong, PRPS is owned by the same ppl who own some hip hop clothing label right? that really doesn't have much to do with this whole denim suff...

just me thinking aloud... if anyone has information to set the record straight... tt's be cool...

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which is exactly the reason that i am so surprised that that they seem to have spent so much time creating something like this. that category is anything but authentic. (i'm sorry, but if i hear one more thing in the news/publicity stunt arena from marc ecko this week, i'm going to scream.) that's a huge knock against them in my book. i was expecting a very fly-by-night strategy and product quality from them. but i'm impressed by this effort.

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Triniboy concisely summed up the whole PRPS being owned by Akademiks issue when he responded to someone else who threw it up, saying:

Quote: While I'm not a big PRPS fan, by your logic, we should never buy a Jaguar because it's owned by the same company as Mazda (Ford). Or a Bentley because it's owned by VW.

Constructed authenticity may sum them up very well, but to anyone who's picked a pair up there's no doubt PRPS is made from quality material. And with the advent of their website ( which has been around for a while) their research seems to be impeccable, too.

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