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looking for Redmoon info


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If you want some stuff that looks like it, PM xcoldricex; he gets the stuff made in Korea for pretty cheap......he has wallet chains/wallets. If you are ever in Japan or plan on going, check out the shop list on the Redmoon site; they sell the stuff all over Japan. A big chain store that has their stuff at regular retail is Tokyu Hands (a huge crafts/product department store). Keep in mind that it is pretty damn expensive anywhere you go. Their HQ is somewhere in southern Japan.

Native American/leather crafts shit is EVERYWHERE in Japan, especially Tokyo, and is usually ALOT cheaper than Redmoon; they put our Western leather crafts to shame; there is a store in Harajuku that is three stories jampacked with Redmoon type shit......... I suggest you take a trip.


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there is a store in Harajuku that is three stories jampacked with Redmoon type shit......... I suggest you take a trip.


--- Original message by englandmj7 on May 2, 2006 02:08 PM

I´m going to Tokyo for a few day, where in Harajuku is it?

Edited by Lars on May 2, 2006 at 02:26 PM

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I believe it is near Fiberops somewhere, but either way, you can see all of Harajuku in a couple of hours, so just walk down every street, you won't miss it....it is a huge light-wooden paneled store, a couple stories high; I believe it has a metal bull's head for its sign........there is also a great Native American/Leather Goods place right near Head Porter. Use the Superfuture maps to get familiar with the area; keep in mind there are TONS of shops selling this type of stuff. Also, don't be afraid to take the 15 min. walk to the Tokyu Hands store in Shibuya if you are already going to be in Harajuku. As I said earlier, they have Redmoon stuff, but your best bet is to buy the exact same non-Redmoon stuff at the leather stores..........

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Redmoon is based in Kawaguchi, in Saitama prefecture - commuting distance to Tokyo.

Started in mid 90's (93?). The core business is leather accessories - many, as noted above, with a distinctly native american feel.

The quality is superlative, and the products are all truly handmade - by fanatics for fanatics. The leather is handcut, hand punched, and even when they are using sewing machines (often ancient Seikos), they'll turn the machine by hand. You'll see pics on the site. The guy with glasses and the Elvis haircut (and a penchant for True Religion jeans) is the main man. If you see a bunch of young japanese biker looking dudes putting together a bunch of wallets then it's probably the Redmoon crew ;)

Prices are high. Probably higher than you think. A simple belt will cost you about the same as a pair of high quality Japanese jeans.

One of the interesting things about Redmoon is that many fans will buy the belts & wallets with the same spirit as they would wear dry denim. They'll buy the light coloured saddle leather wallets & belts and watch them age - after a few years they totally change colour. From a very light skin colour to a burnished dark oxblood-brown, as they absorb dirt, oils etc. Pretty cool.

The wallets tend to be somewhat thick and bulky, but always magically seem to squeeze into the back pockets of jeans. I love the keyhole shaped holes on their belts and the way some of the buckles are held by leather thongs. Buckles are usually pewter.

Redmoon also make jeans - denim+leather. They have a simple 5 pocket style with a saddleleather coin pocket which is quite nice.

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i walked briefly around harajuku today. yes there were a lot of redmoon-ish type things but the quality wasn't very good- the same stuff was selling in korea (for much cheaper i might add). i only decided to make the stuff from one leatherworked in korea available because it was quality- this stuff is passable, but i wouldn't buy the stuff myself. but if anyone is still interested, i have a lead or two on leathercraftsmen here... still a bit cheaper than red moon probably.

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haha so ring ring is the light skin color = raw denim while the darker oiled leathers = vintage wash? :)

i don't really like the light color, so i was planning on getting a darker one.. but if they turn darker naturally that's pretty cool...

--- Original message by xcoldricex on May 3, 2006 09:40 AM

yeah that's good analogy. It certainly appeals to the same type of customer.

The light colour leather will turn very dark in time - almost black even. It depends on how you treat it. You can darken them up quicker by rubbing in oil.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone know/can anyone explain the difference between the HR-01A and HR-01C? Google translation is not clear enough for me.

I know the coin design is different, are there any other differences?



Oh, and $1,000 ¥ is not the answer I am looking for. icon_smile_big.gif

ask a cassowary

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Anyone have any insight as to the Red Moon wallets made from Cordovan leather? Feel, how they'll color in, etc...

basically is it worth the price jump? The color on the black in the detail pic looks like it fades to a subtle chocolate brown as it nears the stitching. Basically I really want the wallet but am not sure if I can rationalize the extra cost.

Any thoughts anyone?

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I am seriously thinking about freezing my credit card in an ice cube tray, but i've got the numbers memorized anyway----just looking is tough. I am perilously close to PMing ricecube for a samurai belt, red moon wallet, red moon keyholder, and redmoon braid all in one go. It would end my marriage, but hey, that wallet should outlive me anyhow, right? RIGHT?

Using chain stitch, your train of jeans is fading wind.

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Quote: am seriously thinking about freezing my credit card in an ice cube tray, but i've got the numbers memorized anyway----just looking is tough. I am perilously close to PMing ricecube for a samurai belt, red moon wallet, red moon keyholder, and redmoon braid all in one go. It would end my marriage, but hey, that wallet should outlive me anyhow, right? RIGHT?

DO IT. I heard that both Mr. Red and Mr. Moon died in a ill-prepared blowfish accident and that the company is going bankrupt next week.

.....good enough reason, right?

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You can not buy through thier official site? There are prices and buttons that look like they click through to a cart. Also, somewhere in the thread discussing Minya's home made Red Moon, he credits online photos (IIRC, Rakuten) for giving him the detail needed to make it.

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  • 3 years later...

Sorry for bumping such an old thread, but what's the deal with the Redmoon Kids wallet? Is it actually for kids, or is it just smaller? I like the way it looks and the price isn't bad.

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