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paper denim washing


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Okay, if you hand wash, use a non-abrasive detergent, like melaleuca, or woolite. use a tiny amount, and fill up your clean kitchen sink half way. Get the soap all mixed in the cold water. Toss the jeans in, roll around a bit, then let soak in cold water for a few minutes (10 is a good amount). Rinse thoroughly in the sink (open the drain and run the water while moving them around) with cold water.

Okay last bit, wring out the water a little, put them on a hanger, and hang them in the nearest tree to dry. They should not shrink at all

Don't you hate in when you're in a line and there's that guy like right behind you and you can feel him almost touching you, hovering near you, in your personal space and all you want to do is turn around and scream, "move three feet back before I beat you," but you don't? They'd put you in a strait jacket if you did, and it is soooo hard to find a pair of shoes that match those.

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