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Dior Homme raw denim after 13 months of wear, approx. 5 washes

Guest Fade to Black

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Guest Fade to Black

inspired by tragicbliss i decided to take some pics of my dior raws i've been wearin for about 13 months now. Not everyday but still pretty frequently, i've washed them 5-6 times and I'm not really gettin any contrast or anything, TragicBliss' jeans pretty much blow these out of the water in terms of wear.

How can I get more contrast/indigo loss on the honeycombs in the back of my knees? Do I need to be starching them? Because here they just look like regular creases and don't really have the fading in the creased areas.



i tried takin some pics of the jeans just laid flat but they didn't come out clearly so i'm just postin these up. Also the thighs don't have much whiskering or contrast goin on, i been pretty disappointed with that. I think it would be hard to get more wear at this point as the jeans are already soft as fuck (don't have any hardness at all to them - shit these are softer than some of my washed jeans) Should I just give up on these or continue wearing them?

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