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Some newbie questions about raw denim

Guest AFK

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I've already did a bunch of searching, but couldn't find anything specific enough. Anyway, would greatly appreciate any help with these questions:

1. I want to minimize all fading/wearing on my jean's color. What other tips are there besides just soaking (instead of washing) inside out in cold water?

2. What is the purpose of washing/soaking your jeans other than to just keep them clean?

3. I keep reading about how people plan on washing their jeans after an X amount of months. Why is it bad to wash them really early on?

Anyway, so yeah, my main concern is how to keep my jeans looking as dark and new as possible.

Thanks in advance!

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the whole purpose of dry denim is to get wear, fading and creases. wearing dry denim for many months gets more creases etc. and after those many months of wearing it goes into the wash then the effects of wear are more defind. if u want denim that doesnt wear or fade get prewashed jeans i suppose.

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argh, well, i wasn't able to find any true religion joet big t jeans (i know i know...you guys aren't crazy about true religions) in a really dark blue except in the raw denim version, so i just bought those, plus they were the only ones on ebay (authentic too).

i guess i'll just have to dry clean only. i suppose rain won't be that big of a deal too? or if i accidentally fall into the pool or something lol?

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The other questions have been answered, but for point : 2. What is the purpose of washing/soaking your jeans other than to just keep them clean?

To shrink them before wearing. Or to get them lighter in shade.

--- Original message by ringring on Apr 8, 2006 07:25 AM

ok, thanks. so now i know i definitely will get this dry cleaned instead as i don't want shrinking or definitely any kind of lightening.
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