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denim unique to japan


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i'm in tokyo, japan right now, and i'm wondering what denim shops they have here that i can't find in the u.s.

i'm down with all kinds of fits, minimalist designs to over-the-top. i don't care. i'm down with it all. i normally wear dior homme 19cm (i currently work in the vegas boutique, & i'm going to be opening the l.a. boutique, btw. i'd love to meet people.) i'm down with julian red, cheap monday, and the like, but all that is just more expensive here. hysteric glamour wasn't all that impressive this season. what else should i hit up while i'm here??

i'm looking for denim, but if you have info on good shops in general, let me know. i know superfuture gives a vague opinion on shops, but i trust the denim heads.

thanks, guys!!

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