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  2. https://www.tenderstores.com/product/type-747-rowers-cardigan/?variation=25514 it is all three things you mention in one garment. I have it and like it quite a bit.
  3. I have Freewheelers Derrickman in raw white hbt... not denim but white... a colour that goes well with denim imo
  4. prices dropped J90-ss, schwarzrot, large added 9/10 fullset 500€
  5. Yup. ^^^Looks great, vIGGiou riou!
  6. @shredwin_206 I’d be honored to. I’m down in Georgia right now visiting family, but I’ll shoot you a message later this week when I have a clearer head & we can talk some shop.
  7. ^Resolute has their AA 10th anniversary denim. Still in production from time to time I think a few people have experience with this denim. Denime and Warehouse sometimes got it in their lineup as well and I am wearing a pair of SC41265s right now. Some brands go more in the ecru direction while some go more pure white. Ages differently and makes it different to combine, but both work out well with a lot of outfits imo. Especially as they age, it evens out with ecru and white.
  8. your photo made me pull my jacket out of the closet.... JB cap RMC tee FC 30th Anniversary 1944 jacket vintage military surplus shorts Paraboot
  9. Thoughts on white denim? Haven’t seen much on here. Brands etc.
  10. Looking for recommendations for a nice cotton or linen cardigan. Indigo would be nice. Thanks!
  11. The best lenses I've ever experienced are those of Maui Jim. I especially like their polarized ultra thin glass. They literally make the world prettier (by erasing some refracted light, they make everything a tad more contrasty). SALT Optics also has very good quality glass. I especially like their polarized gradient lenses for driving, because the gradient allows you to get the full benefit of the polarized lens in front of you, and yet to see clearly a screen (for mapping).
  12. Guys, I sourced a pair of raw thai fakes. $30. Crazy.
  13. It’s a really nice city. Quite small, easy to get around, on the water. Local food is excellent, I much prefer Hiroshima style okonomiyaki. the a-bomb site and museum are intensely emotional. There are warnings about the graphic nature of some parts, put people should see the impact of something like that on innocent civilians.
  14. Thanks, vIGGiou riou! Nice to hear someone else picked up that piece.
  15. Really more than perfect fit @CSL . I have to start to wear my Anniversary FC jacket too... I bought it last year and till now I didn't start...
  16. WTB P22-DS size medium or J41-GTV size small. If anybody has either lmk ☺️.
  17. Yesterday
  18. WTS J101-GT sz xs 8/10 white/raf sleeve $600 w/ bag and spec
  19. Do any US based retailers carry the 714 yet?
  20. Bump! Adding a v91 ws grey, size L, brand new and full pack (got this from a trade, but not really my thing), for 480€ Also adding a j68-gt, alpha green, in size L, not full pack and i'd say 9/10 because of a little mark on the left pocket (not really that noticeable), for 750€ Lowering price for pants: p41 550€. p23 550€ and p46 580€ As always, I can send pictures or share links to Vinted, where the items are posted too
  21. I’ve posted how the catalog numbers work before - but without checking, and without asking if things have changed my only reaction to that number is that it is fake
  22. retiring these for now since my hand repairs totally blew out. @julian-wolf you interested in possibly working on them?
  23. I imagine most FC fans are not into the brand for full on retro/repro cuts but perhaps some will find this of interest. I had picked up the 30th anniversary jeans from Standard & Strange back in November 2022. They were reasonably priced initially & then when a sale kicked in I decided to buy a second pair which are still unwashed/unworn. I'd been hoping the matching jacket would turn up, similarly priced at S&S but it never did. After seeing the price ($500, I think) on the FC site I decided to pass. Recently I got the bug to search & see if one might be available somewhere online, & found a size 46 at Son Of A Stag. The price was still high but with first time buyer discount it came down to where I couldn't resist. I noticed that the cardboard tags were different from those that had had been on the jeans. Also the jeans had come in a cloth bag emblazoned with "1946", while the jacket had no bag & was described as 1944-45. Consequently I was crossing my fingers that the jacket would be made from the same denim as the jeans, which I like a lot. Happily it turned out the denim is the same on both items. Not sure if my photos best demonstrate that , but to my eyes the look & feel appeared identical. I'm including a photo side by side with the Freewheelers 1944 jacket. The FC is a wider shape which is accentuated by the stiffness of the denim.
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