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vintage denim stores in NYC


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the two with the biggest selection but far from the best prices are What Goes Around Comes Around and Andy Cheapees (Broadway). WGACA has a lot of big E Levis and 40s and 50s Lee and Wranglers...almost an overwhelming selection but they are going to run you double or three times more than they would be on Ebay.

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is everything pretty much on Broadway? are there any specific burroughs to visit that would be great for shopping? thanks for the reply

--- Original message by boogs on Mar 26, 2006 01:21 PM

Dude -- do you realize what site you're posting on? Do you know that there are unbelievably detailed maps that cover shopping, eating, entertainment, etc. for New York City (as well as almost every other somewhat-populated city on the planet)? If not, check them out before asking questions like these.
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i'd rather use the advice from someone who knows where to shop in NY from this forum than use some impersonal website that all tourists use...it'll give me more time to check out the sites vs. spending wasted time walking from store-to-store...but perhaps someone like Minya's bitch-ass would rather spend time staring at how his/her ass looks in the dept store mirror than checking out places like Central Park, the MET, Battery park, the Towers memorial, a Knicks game etc...but thats just me...HAHAHA

its not all about denim all the time...just "most" of the time

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The descriptions on this site do kinda suck and for someone who isn't familiar with N.Y. can walk forever and not come across anything.

--- Original message by BIGFISH_SMALL POND on Mar 26, 2006 03:49 PM

Do you live in NYC? If so, then, by all means -- send in your own descriptions. They're all user-submitted.
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There is a vintage place called Hooky, some place in Nolita-Maybe Mott or Mulberry. They had a couple of stacks of jeans. Cheap Jacks moved. It is now on Fifth ave. and maybe 30th st. or 29th st. They will hose you for sure though on anything special. Sometime Eleven, on Spring or Prince( around the corner from Elizabeth has stuff) as does Unis on Elizabeth( they are a self-designing shop that is acrrying vintage between production of their line).

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