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New Phone Needed - Recs?

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In the market for a new mobile.

My requirements:

I'm not in the least interested in games.

Emails would be useful. Surfing the web isn't particularly important; just emails.

As I use Skype to call abroad, this would be high on my list.

MP3 app seems fairly standard but not essential as I use ipod.

GPS and mapping would be a benefit but not essential; I expect for my budget it's not a factor anyway...

The touchscreen models seem OK but they seem to be fairly wide, if not thick, compared even to my old thing. The sliding front style is my other preference. I'm not into clams.

I have no brand loyalties but I'd like something as user friendly as possible.

So, what would those in the techie loops recommend?

The amount I'm prepared to cough up is 150Euro/equiv.

Cheers for any .

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