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LVC 47 v. Sugarcane 47?


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Now that His Pres has jacked up their prices (as documented in the His Pres thread), I'm wondering how people weigh in on the differences between LVC 47's and Sugarcane 47's... and incidentally, does anyone know where online I could cop a pair of LVC 47's for 150?

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IMO the LVC 47s were cut way too small and shrank way more than the 1955's ( and I speak from experience).I'm referring to the 555 LVCs which are no longer available.I wouldn't bother with LVC now as they've diluted the line and it's now on a par I think with Evisu........it's certainly lost a lot of the quality and authenticity that it had when they sold a limited range (551,501 and 201 ) of genuine repros produced in the SFC factory.

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http://www.bid-service.jp Are getting some Sugarcane 1947 repro's for me (fingers crossed!). I was considering some LVC 47s but the discussion on the 06 lines sizings, and limited availability locally kind of put me off. HPs prices put me off getting the SCs from them, so I had a hunt around and went a .jp import. They should be much cheaper than those supplied by HP (fingers crossed as they aren't here yet).

On Ebay there were LVC 47s for 125 ex shipping, so you can get them cheaper than 150.

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