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Denime 66Low - pics


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Had a request to post these, so here they are. I'm actually thinking of selling these, along with another pair of Studio D'Artisan SD-101's, both of which I just got yesterday in the mail. Both pairs of jeans are one size too small and kill me in the waist. I got both in one-wash, hoping they were already shrunken down to a true 31. I'll measure them later, but PM me if you're interested...

I'm definitely going to get the Denime 66's in the right size... and probably not the low rise. I was trying to stay away from a high rise 66 jean and the measurements on the Bears site threw me off. These are definitely on the low side.

Sorry for the crappy phonecam...




Posted the same url twice...

Edited by gunpwdr on Mar 2, 2006 at 04:38 PM

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Those look great. Are you sure they won't stretch out enough in the waist?

Are they marked 31?

--- Original message by tangerine on Mar 2, 2006 04:38 PM

My initial reaction was that I'd keep these, but the rise is my real hangup. I'm pretty sure it'll stretch enough that the waist won't be an issue, but I don't have a lot of room in the crotch.

They are a tagged 31.

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How low is the rise on those?

What waist size are you and which did you order?

--- Original message by 2000dB on Mar 2, 2006 05:04 PM

9.5" rise

15.5" waist (standard SF measurement)

35.5" inseam

7.5" leg opening

I'm usually a 31" in just about everything, hence ordering this pair in 31.

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they fit you really well in the legs. Have you given a chance for the waist to stretch? The rise looks really good as well.

--- Original message by wild_whiskey on Mar 2, 2006 06:16 PM

I posted in the SD-103 2 month post at first... regarding the leg fit. I'm definitely pleased with the look from the crotch down. Fits perfect too... and my legs aren't that small.

I'll see how much they've stretched after a week of wearing them around the house.

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phew bro, I don't know, they look good and all but damn, that would be too tight for comfort for me. I agree the leg fit seems good but the whole tight crotch thing can be so damn uncomfortable especially if you are sitting down alot (at work, movies etc.). Great for standing though.

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