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Waistband selvage?

Guest Berget__

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Guest Berget__

Anyone ever seen a pair of jeans with waistband selvage? In that case which model? Beacuse I found these jeans on rakuten http://translate.google.com/translate?sourceid=navclient-menuext&hl=en&u=http%3A//www.rakuten.co.jp/d-stock/540681/596856/#577147 and they are just beautiful. As you can see they are sold out and I would like to get a similar pair. The waistband selvage is just that extra touch.

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Guest Berget__

Ok...so the LVC 1890 501 would have waistband selvage? Anyone know where i can get pics of it? I searched google and rakuten and could only find hanon-shop but they wont show the waistband...

Ok...found sorta what I was looking for. Sugarcane http://translate.google.com/translate?sourceid=navclient-menuext&hl=en&u=http%3A//www.rakuten.co.jp/hinoya/119706/256094/348982/

But I dont like the little pocket on the left leg. If anyone finds anu other 1890 501 repros Please post them.

I aint gotta get money man money get me

Edited by Berget__ on Feb 25, 2006 at 04:10 AM

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Those are 1880 replicas. They don't look as good as other Sugarcane for various reasons, the fabric looks too heavy for one. Personally I love that extra pocket - those jeans are a great example of the 'workwear' look of early Levi's.

You should look at the 1890 jeans from current LVC - if they're an accurate repro they will have waistband selvage - they look like a lovely jean. Look at Levi.com to see if they're sitll on there. I have a pair of 1901 repros - they don't have the waistband selvage, altho again, they're terrific jeans - nice fabric, which I'm guessing comes from Kurabo or Kaihara.

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