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Everyone,pls Help Me!! Fake Chanel J12


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hello, everyone,

here i have trade problem with id:ken shinoda . This is about almost 3000 CAD and personal reputation. please help me!!

I bought chanel j12 from ken shinoda (his thread: www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showthread.php?t=140209). since i really trust him, and he told me that his paypal was unable to use. Then, i sent him money though bank wire transfer(HIGH RISK). i got the watch on 30th december 2008. i did not go to chanel boutique to check it immediately because i thought that there is no fake in supremarket, i bought a lot of things here and every time i got a happy ending. after one month, i really need cash, so i put it on ebay. and someone in toronto bided it, then we went to chanel store on bloor ST to check its authenticity. however, the manger of chanel said the links were not as same as those in store and they cannot add links. because of it, my paypal account was suspended. i still believe the watch was real, because chanel carried j12 every year. the links of watches may change and the most important supporting point:The certificate's number and the watch's number is the same! then i put it on supermaket, sooner, i received comment:

latest reputation receivedposted by


FS: Chanel J12 Black...

03-26-09 08:45 AM


fake shit

suddenly, i realised that this may be fake one. and i did not reply anyone who was interested in it because i did not want to sell fake. during this time, i sent a lot of emails to KEN SHINODA. He did not replied a word. this was first time i met such situation, and i did not what should i do. and i did not have enough evidences which can prove this is fake. and i decided to give up. since this thing, i did not log in suprermarket anymore, in september, i just want to buy something and i logged in supermarket, just curiosity, i viewed KEN SHINODA’s profile and found he was still active. i was really angry, and i kept ask myself: why not fight for my money? then i spent lots of time searching the evidence and finally i thought i had enough evidence. the day before yeasterday, i PM ken and he replied me: The certificate's number and the watch's number is the same! How the hell would a fake have a serial number?

ok, let me tell you: what you sold to me was AAA fake. every one has unique certificate’s number, which is as same as the number at back of watch. they used the almost same materials (slightly different, i mean the J12 H0685 without diamond). the only difference was the links. after research, i found the links of j12 did not change. the j12 which produced in 2001 should be as same as the one you can buy in chanel store. and AAA+ fake have the same links. i searched at least 100 websites and i still could not tell you how to distinguish them. they have the same links.


links problem.

most AAA or AAA+ FAKE was “bought” from prince BLDG and legit famous watch shops in HK. please be careful.

fake receipt (http://p3.images22.51img1.com/6000/tanjinrai/387b5b22a083b66be6c9f71b9ba480a6.jpg)

AAA+ fake ( http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.hongyun2000.cn/syssite/home/shop/1/pictures/productsimg/big/261_20071017022413_5.jpg&imgrefurl=http://youa.baidu.com/item/0344b6739008c5cb2132ca34&usg=__fVCE_onE4vY7So9TU26ghA3wyS0=&h=480&w=640&sz=100&hl=zh-CN&start=29&um=1&tbnid=7o3BSbu54pl35M:&tbnh=103&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCHANEL%2Bj12%2B%25E5%258F%2591%25E7%25A5%25A8%26ndsp%3D21%26hl%3Dzh-CN%26lr%3D%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:zh-CN:official%26hs%3D9Hv%26sa%3DN%26start%3D21%26um%3D1 )

SO, ken, please return my money. i ‘m not kidding. i m fucking serious.

every word i said above is 100% true. (if you doubt anything, say it, i will show you evidence. i kept all mails , pm recods bank wire transfer receipt. anything)

AT LAST. if i lied, i would give KEN 3000CAD for compensation and never showed up, and go to hell.



WATCH LINKS:3974317009_6cb2b82442.jpg


real one:DSC_7480.jpg




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pls read carefully! chanel store did not tell me this was fake! they just told me that this j12 links were not as same as those in store so they do not have tools to add it. (the manager also check the leather box and warranty card, she did not say anything)since i was told that this is fake(see the comment ). i did not reply any PM.

i m not a chanel expert. i realised this is a fake since i received comment!!

and i do not think many people here can distinguish them.(that 's why i bought from KEN, if anyone replied that was fake, i won't buy it )

i just want to tell people be careful those AAA,AAA+ j12

if i want sell this fakeshit, why do i spend so much time writing these words.

btw, the point is that KEN S sold the fakeshit to me.


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I deleted my previous comment.

But I still don't get this:

You went to the Chanel store and spoke with a manager. When the manager of Chanel looked at this watch, they would have said one of two things:

1. It's fake

2. It's real

If anyone in the world would be able to spot a fake Chanel watch, it would be the manager of a Chanel store.

You're saying that the manager didn't tell you it was fake?

If the manager thought it was real, then it seems to me that's one of the highest authorities you will find in terms of authenticating the watch.

Something happened as a result of you going to the Chanel store that got your paypal account suspended.

I'm not taking either side or stirring the pot, there are just some things here that don't add up.

If I took a fake Rolex to a Rolex dealer and asked a manager about it, he would take one look and say, 'this is fake' and then explain why.

And that would be the end of it.

How did you take a fake Chanel watch to a Chanel store and get out of there without the manager explaining to you that it's a fake? I just don't get it.

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Correct me if I'm wrong algernon but what makes you so sure that a manager of a Chanel store would be able to verify whether it is authentic or not?

I mean the original poster clearly states that the watch is a very high quality fake, from what I know (my mother) used to work as a manager of Salavatoe boutique and she was never trained to properly identify a fake to that degree. They have specially trained staff to identify fakes from what I know.

However, yeah, alot of shit doesn't add up here. Probably because english isn't his first language and some shit lost in translation?

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I think Younghwan91 is right.

You have to be trained to find what's wrong on AAA or AAA+ fakes. And I doubt they are...

Moreover, you can't really compare Chanel to Rolex, Rolex only sells watches and there are specilazed in that business, wheras Chanel mainly sells clothes before selling watches and this makes a huge difference.

I know the CEO of Blanc Pain which is the oldest Swiss watch company and he said himself that it's becoming really hard to distinguish fake watches unless you open it.

But anyway, if it was real, Ken Shinoda would fight for his reputation which is not the case...

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  illkid said:
hello, everyone,

here i have trade problem with id:ken shinoda . This is about almost 3000 CAD and personal reputation. please help me!!

I bought chanel j12 from ken shinoda (his thread: www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showthread.php?t=140209). since i really trust him, and he told me that his paypal was unable to use. Then, i sent him money though bank wire transfer(HIGH RISK). i got the watch on 30th december 2008. i did not go to chanel boutique to check it immediately because i thought that there is no fake in supremarket, i bought a lot of things here and every time i got a happy ending. after one month, i really need cash, so i put it on ebay. and someone in toronto bided it, then we went to chanel store on bloor ST to check its authenticity. however, the manger of chanel said the links were not as same as those in store and they cannot add links. because of it, my paypal account was suspended. i still believe the watch was real, because chanel carried j12 every year. the links of watches may change and the most important supporting point:The certificate's number and the watch's number is the same! then i put it on supermaket, sooner, i received comment:

latest reputation receivedposted by


FS: Chanel J12 Black...

03-26-09 08:45 AM


fake shit

suddenly, i realised that this may be fake one. and i did not reply anyone who was interested in it because i did not want to sell fake. during this time, i sent a lot of emails to KEN SHINODA. He did not replied a word. this was first time i met such situation, and i did not what should i do. and i did not have enough evidences which can prove this is fake. and i decided to give up. since this thing, i did not log in suprermarket anymore, in september, i just want to buy something and i logged in supermarket, just curiosity, i viewed KEN SHINODA’s profile and found he was still active. i was really angry, and i kept ask myself: why not fight for my money? then i spent lots of time searching the evidence and finally i thought i had enough evidence. the day before yeasterday, i PM ken and he replied me: The certificate's number and the watch's number is the same! How the hell would a fake have a serial number?

ok, let me tell you: what you sold to me was AAA fake. every one has unique certificate’s number, which is as same as the number at back of watch. they used the almost same materials (slightly different, i mean the J12 H0685 without diamond). the only difference was the links. after research, i found the links of j12 did not change. the j12 which produced in 2001 should be as same as the one you can buy in chanel store. and AAA+ fake have the same links. i searched at least 100 websites and i still could not tell you how to distinguish them. they have the same links.


links problem.

most AAA or AAA+ FAKE was “bought†from prince BLDG and legit famous watch shops in HK. please be careful.

fake receipt (http://p3.images22.51img1.com/6000/tanjinrai/387b5b22a083b66be6c9f71b9ba480a6.jpg)

AAA+ fake ( http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.hongyun2000.cn/syssite/home/shop/1/pictures/productsimg/big/261_20071017022413_5.jpg&imgrefurl=http://youa.baidu.com/item/0344b6739008c5cb2132ca34&usg=__fVCE_onE4vY7So9TU26ghA3wyS0=&h=480&w=640&sz=100&hl=zh-CN&start=29&um=1&tbnid=7o3BSbu54pl35M:&tbnh=103&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCHANEL%2Bj12%2B%25E5%258F%2591%25E7%25A5%25A8%26ndsp%3D21%26hl%3Dzh-CN%26lr%3D%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:zh-CN:official%26hs%3D9Hv%26sa%3DN%26start%3D21%26um%3D1 )

SO, ken, please return my money. i ‘m not kidding. i m fucking serious.

every word i said above is 100% true. (if you doubt anything, say it, i will show you evidence. i kept all mails , pm recods bank wire transfer receipt. anything)

AT LAST. if i lied, i would give KEN 3000CAD for compensation and never showed up, and go to hell.



I agree with what the rest said.

You should get somebody, Chanel or somebody to give you a certificate saying its real. If you have the certificate, you can sell it easily on the net.

If no one can give you the certificate, well, its too late to do a paypal claim against Shinoda.

Next time, dont buy such brands on the net unless you got 100% solid evidence it is real.

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Dude, you seriously need some help man.

I sold you like last year, you got the watch, everything was fine. 3 or 4 months ago, I got a random PM from you saying that "someone told you the watch is fake" and you want your money back, and I thought you have sent the wrong PM or a bad joke.

Two days ago, you PM me again, asking for your money back, and that you were busy for the past 3 months. And you threatened to bring this public if I didn't give you back 3000CAD?

Seriously dude, I don't even know what to say. You are just ridiculous.

I bought the watch on ebay, seller was legit. Brought it to the chanel shop, they said it was legit.

When I sent it to you, you checked and you know its legit, I still got your email saying that you got the watch and you are happy with the purchase.

I don't know what happened for the past 3 months that make you think otherwise. Could be that your friend bought a fake, and replaced it with yours, someone borrowed your watch and replace a fake one, you sold yours when you are drunk, and bought a fake one, could be thousands of possibilities.

That's my end of the story, and that's all I have to say.


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Also, if I may add one more thing.

I just checked the links you provided for the receipt, WTF?!

That's not even mine! I sent the watch together with the inner and outer chanel box, instuction book, certificate of authenticity.

And there's NO AAA watch made of ceramic dude. Its just not worth the troubles with the technology that they are investing.

The china webside link you sent, my guess is that they are trying to sell fake, but used a real chanel watch pics as their marketing strategy, so that buyers will think they are getting "AAA" fake watch.

I dunno what went wrong with you or the watch.

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Just re read your post again, and noticed a few odd remarks you've said, illkid:

  illkid said:
so i put it on ebay. and someone in toronto bided it, then we went to chanel store on bloor ST to check its authenticity. however, the manger of chanel said the links were not as same as those in store and they cannot add links. because of it, my paypal account was suspended.

So the buyer didn't pay you in the end right? How did your paypal acc got suspended then?

  illkid said:
pls read carefully! chanel store did not tell me this was fake!

Ok, that's a pretty good evidence. And a relief.

But.... Wait a minute...

  illkid said:

FS: Chanel J12 Black...

03-26-09 08:45 AM


fake shit

suddenly, i realised that this may be fake one.

i did not have enough evidences which can prove this is fake.

then i spent lots of time searching the evidence and finally i thought i had enough evidence.

Evidence? Interesting, please let us know, sherlock...

  illkid said:

the only difference was the links. after research, i found the links of j12 did not change. the j12 which produced in 2001 should be as same as the one you can buy in chanel store. and AAA+ fake have the same links. i searched at least 100 websites and i still could not tell you how to distinguish them. they have the same links.

Its the links?.... But they have the same links? So what's the difference, Mr. Holmes??

  illkid said:

most AAA or AAA+ FAKE was “bought” from prince BLDG and legit famous watch shops in HK. please be careful.

Rightt.... Interesting point there, detective.

Would someone who have been to the HK chanel boutique in prince building, or anyone from HK clarify this please. And how can a LEGIT, and famous shop sell

fake, to begin with anyways?!

Ok, so the conclusion we can all sum is that...

  illkid said:

pls read carefully! chanel store did not tell me this was fake!

but you get the conclusion, and assumed the watch is fake, and your resources are:

  illkid said:

since i was told that this is fake(see the comment ). i did not reply any PM.

i m not a chanel expert. i realised this is a fake since i received comment!!

I dunno dude. I don't expect anyone to take sides or anything, but I do hope someone please tell me what's goin on here. Cause I'm just confused with the whole situation now.

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  demonito said:
jeezz this is a funny one here

Tell me bout it man. Shouldve sold it to you instead. But then again, illkid is going to give me 3K, so its all good. But one thing I must stress out, is that, NO, I won't allow you to go to hell. That's just inhuman.

I hope you stop freaking out and stop trippin, illkid. No one said its fake, just some joker who give some random shit. And from then on, you just dug your on grave.

Heck, all of us gets those kinda reps here all the time. Saying that that fit is gay, fake, sissy, homo whatever. At the end of the day, you gotta go to the right source and take their word for it man.

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  algernon said:
I deleted my previous comment.

But I still don't get this:

You went to the Chanel store and spoke with a manager. When the manager of Chanel looked at this watch, they would have said one of two things:

1. It's fake

2. It's real

If anyone in the world would be able to spot a fake Chanel watch, it would be the manager of a Chanel store.

You're saying that the manager didn't tell you it was fake?

If the manager thought it was real, then it seems to me that's one of the highest authorities you will find in terms of authenticating the watch.

Something happened as a result of you going to the Chanel store that got your paypal account suspended.

I'm not taking either side or stirring the pot, there are just some things here that don't add up.

If I took a fake Rolex to a Rolex dealer and asked a manager about it, he would take one look and say, 'this is fake' and then explain why.

And that would be the end of it.

How did you take a fake Chanel watch to a Chanel store and get out of there without the manager explaining to you that it's a fake? I just don't get it.

may be like lv, they never tell you weather this is fake or not. btw. the manger did not tell me this is fake , she just sent it to the back of store,and sooner told me that the links were not the same and they did not have the tools. and i said ,this was bought in long time ago, links might change. the she told me i had to send it to HK CHANEL STORE. since buyer cancel the transaction , since he would not want to take risk.

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  younghwan91 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong algernon but what makes you so sure that a manager of a Chanel store would be able to verify whether it is authentic or not?

I mean the original poster clearly states that the watch is a very high quality fake, from what I know (my mother) used to work as a manager of Salavatoe boutique and she was never trained to properly identify a fake to that degree. They have specially trained staff to identify fakes from what I know.

However, yeah, alot of shit doesn't add up here. Probably because english isn't his first language and some shit lost in translation?

we went to chanel boutique because the buyer thought that if the chanel store can add links for you , then it was real.

sorry, my english was terrible.

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  homme.homme said:
dude just go back to chanel and get them to verify it. they may have to send it somewhere but who cares, at least you will have a certain answer because right now you got little more then nothin'.

this is fake, it is not necessary not fly to HK to verify it. btw, chanel store won't give you certain answer. i doubt weather they have record system. since i bought cartier rings in hK, and toronto store can verify it because of its serial number. if chanel has it. then it may be easy to identify.

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  Teriyaki said:
I think Younghwan91 is right.

You have to be trained to find what's wrong on AAA or AAA+ fakes. And I doubt they are...

Moreover, you can't really compare Chanel to Rolex, Rolex only sells watches and there are specilazed in that business, wheras Chanel mainly sells clothes before selling watches and this makes a huge difference.

I know the CEO of Blanc Pain which is the oldest Swiss watch company and he said himself that it's becoming really hard to distinguish fake watches unless you open it.

But anyway, if it was real, Ken Shinoda would fight for his reputation which is not the case...

you are right. if ken can show any evidence which can proven that this is real. i will do what i should do. i do not want to destroy anyone's reputation. that's why i write this thead now.

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  ken shinoda said:
Dude, you seriously need some help man.

I sold you like last year, you got the watch, everything was fine. 3 or 4 months ago, I got a random PM from you saying that "someone told you the watch is fake" and you want your money back, and I thought you have sent the wrong PM or a bad joke.

Two days ago, you PM me again, asking for your money back, and that you were busy for the past 3 months. And you threatened to bring this public if I didn't give you back 3000CAD?

Seriously dude, I don't even know what to say. You are just ridiculous.

I bought the watch on ebay, seller was legit. Brought it to the chanel shop, they said it was legit.

When I sent it to you, you checked and you know its legit, I still got your email saying that you got the watch and you are happy with the purchase.

I don't know what happened for the past 3 months that make you think otherwise. Could be that your friend bought a fake, and replaced it with yours, someone borrowed your watch and replace a fake one, you sold yours when you are drunk, and bought a fake one, could be thousands of possibilities.

That's my end of the story, and that's all I have to say.


first, i mailed you said"got it " as i got the package. i did not check it and said this was legit.

second, before pm , i emailed you a lot. and you never replied a word, i can show you record.

third, i have your original thread, i can sent back you watch and you can check it. the same serial number. if it was not the one you send to me, just keep the money and i would apologize for it.

at last i just want to say, i write this not because i m boring. i have fucking exams these days. and i m not the that person that would buy a fake one and ask you to return money.

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  ken shinoda said:
Also, if I may add one more thing.

I just checked the links you provided for the receipt, WTF?!

That's not even mine! I sent the watch together with the inner and outer chanel box, instuction book, certificate of authenticity.

And there's NO AAA watch made of ceramic dude. Its just not worth the troubles with the technology that they are investing.

The china webside link you sent, my guess is that they are trying to sell fake, but used a real chanel watch pics as their marketing strategy, so that buyers will think they are getting "AAA" fake watch.

I dunno what went wrong with you or the watch.

yes,i just want to prove that fake can even have the receipt.

AAA and AAA+ are made of ceramic. i'm pretty sure.

right now, high quality fake have inner and outer chanel box, this is not hight tech. easy to make it.

and i checked at least 100 J12 0685, i'm pretty sure that the real one 's links are different from you .i will show pics.

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Look, illkid. I'm glad you took this publicly, and I do notice that you are honestly sincere and clueless, I hope.

Let me give you a piece of advice, go to any reputable watch shop, and have them authenticate it. Have them open the watch and see if the insides of the watch is engraved. Fake watches normally won't bother engraving the movements of the watches, unless its a skeleton back, but again, it would be poorly done.


You could bring it to the chanel shop again, this time, tell them that you want to service the watch and to overhaul them.

Do bring the authenticity card along with you as well.

What they will do is that they'll take the watch from you, and in return, will give an invoice/receipt that will prolly says that they took a watch with serial number XXXX model XXXX for service, which you have to bring back when they have overhauled the watch in order to retrieve the watch back from them. Do show them the authenticity card as well, if requested.

Hope that helps, illkid.

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  ken shinoda said:
Look, illkid. I'm glad you took this publicly, and I do notice that you are honestly sincere and clueless, I hope.

Let me give you a piece of advice, go to any reputable watch shop, and have them authenticate it. Have them open the watch and see if the insides of the watch is engraved. Fake watches normally won't bother engraving the movements of the watches, unless its a skeleton back, but again, it would be poorly done.


You could bring it to the chanel shop again, this time, tell them that you want to service the watch and to overhaul them.

Do bring the authenticity card along with you as well.

What they will do is that they'll take the watch from you, and in return, will give an invoice/receipt that will prolly says that they took a watch with serial number XXXX model XXXX for service, which you have to bring back when they have overhauled the watch in order to retrieve the watch back from them. Do show them the authenticity card as well, if requested.

Hope that helps, illkid.

good advice. however, chanel certification card changed since 2004 (i do not remember) right now is not a paper card but a plastic card. they do not any record. they just ask me to send it to HK. or they are going to send it to paris which cost al lot of money.

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I've been a watch collector for a number of years, and I've bought my girlfriend a few j12's over the past couple years. I know movements, and could easily authenticate this for you in 5 seconds.

take some decent pics of it (unscrew the back plate and take it off to verify the movement). We'll find out it's authenticity status immediately. The movement never lies

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  tmccarthy41 said:
I've been a watch collector for a number of years, and I've bought my girlfriend a few j12's over the past couple years. I know movements, and could easily authenticate this for you in 5 seconds.

take some decent pics of it (unscrew the back plate and take it off to verify the movement). We'll find out it's authenticity status immediately. The movement never lies

thanks, however, i have to find a watch shop first. i do not have tools. i will do this next week cause i have lots of exams next week@@. and i will upload pics asap. thanks!!

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  illkid said:
good advice. however, chanel certification card changed since 2004 (i do not remember) right now is not a paper card but a plastic card. they do not any record. they just ask me to send it to HK. or they are going to send it to paris which cost al lot of money.

If they have a record, its a plus, if not its still ok.

Just tell them that you would like them to overhaul the watch for you.

Also, if they even consider to bring the watch for you to paris, that means they acknowledge the fact that the watch is authentic. Try bringing a fake rolex watch to their official dealer, and see if they'd even consider accepting the watch.

How much is the cost to send the watch to paris? Isn't it lesser than what you were to give me (3K CAD), if you were to proof that the watch isn't legit? Come on, mate.

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you don't need any special "tools"

just get an eyeglass repair kit, and use the small flat-head screwdriver. it's simple

dude this is soo easy to figure out... Just take like 5 decent pictures of the watch, I can authenticate it for you, without a doubt- very very easily. Then this little public quarrel can be locked up

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  tmccarthy41 said:
I've been a watch collector for a number of years, and I've bought my girlfriend a few j12's over the past couple years. I know movements, and could easily authenticate this for you in 5 seconds.

take some decent pics of it (unscrew the back plate and take it off to verify the movement). We'll find out it's authenticity status immediately. The movement never lies

Thanks for helpin out, mate.


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