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Traditional or Modern


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i perfer a traditional fit... but wear both. i find that the trad fit(levis 501, 505, etc...) is more comfortable for everyday wear, as they were designed to be workwear. modern cuts can be more flattering if you have a certian body type, but i dont think it works for everybody. i also know that in 20 years my levis will still look good and be in style. i think its that timelesness that puts it over the top fo me. if people are wearing A.P.C. cure repos in 2065 the way we lust over '47 levis, then i may change my mind.

denim is the new crack

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i perfer a traditional fit... but wear both. i find that the trad fit(levis 501, 505, etc...) is more comfortable for everyday wear, as they were designed to be workwear. modern cuts can be more flattering if you have a certian body type, but i dont think it works for everybody. i also know that in 20 years my levis will still look good and be in style. i think its that timelesness that puts it over the top fo me. if people are wearing A.P.C. cure repos in 2065 the way we lust over '47 levis, then i may change my mind.

--- Original message by cheapmuthafukr on Feb 21, 2006 10:40 AM

I could not agree more!!! Some of the modern cut jeans look cool on the right frame. Mine ain't one of them due to being 5' 6" and 200 pounds. (20 lbs of shit in a 10 pound sack).

My 36 waist 501 big Es and my 551zxx look best on me. That being said, some of the pics I seen on this site show people wearing modern cuts and they look really amazing. So, I think the modern cut jeans look great, just not on me. If comfort is your main measure, then there is clearly no comparison. The anti-fit seat and higher rise of the original is much more functional and comfortable. My .2 cents

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Just for some clarity over my original comments re: modern fits, I don't define 'modern' as slim fit, skinny or extremely low rise, etc.

I just think some of the more modern fits (Nudie RR, APC Rescue, etc) tend to have a slightly lower rise than the traditionals and also less of the saggy ass syndrome.

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