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Sheet Metal Denim

Guest Methimphibian

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Guest Methimphibian

Hi, I've heard this term used before, it means like denim that is very very very stiff? I purchased a pair of levi 501xx stf, when I first got them they were stiff as fuck. But It's been 3 weeks of straight wear, and they have softened up quite some. So If I Iron them they will get stiff again? but I'll lose the current worn in creases. Someone on Niketalk said that if you iron them alot a certain way, creases will come in very fast.

I'm really just trying to get a pair of the stiffest denim for a reasonable price, any suggestions? and yes i ran a search.


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Well, first of all, don't be taken aback at the amount of "Niketalk Hate" that runs around these boards, but Welcome to SF.

I highly suggest lurking around the board a bit more before asking these sorts of questions. Ironing your Levi's is not going to make them look any better...and please, don't listen to the Niketalkers when it comes to denim, it's called "NIKE" talk for a reason, and that reason is shoes, not Denim.

What you're going to want to do with your STF's is starch them and wear them. Naturally. It's that simple. Go to Fred Meyer or if you don't have a Fred Meyer hit up your local Safeway, check the laundry isle for Niagara Spray Starch (Heavy). Use it as often as you like.

Ironing = Bad

Starch = Better

Just wearing the shit out of your Jeans = Best.


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