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non-selvage evisu?


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are these fake? or just non-selvage evisus? worth the buy?

also, im new here. where can i get a pair of selvage jeans for cheap? like...80 dollars max or so. is it bad to buy selvages that have already been washed 2-3 times? will they not fade as much?

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Evisu makes a lot of non-selvage jeans nowadays. Usually the lower tier lines don't have them. I'm not an evisu expert, so I can't really comment as to the authenticity of those jeans.

Even non selvage Evisus go for like $160-200+, so if you're into them and they don't skyrocket at the last second, go for it.

If you want cheap selvage jeans, Uniqlos are like $60 brand new. I even saw a bunch of selvage Lees at Urban Outfitters (I know, I know...) on the clearance rack for $50, but some of the washes were pretty terrible. There are always deals to be had on ebay or in the Supermarket forum, but beware of the fake Thai LVCs on ebay.

As for fading and other questions, consult the sticky thread at the top of this forum.

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theyre legit. buy em if you want urban diesel

--- Original message by witts on Feb 16, 2006 03:18 PM

lol... seems like a lot of peeps dont like evisu that much...

i think evisu was really what got me interested in to denim and i finally bought a pair recently..the evisuxpuma jeans... not the crazy expensive japan ones... i always wanted a pair for the longest time.

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