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Getting tailored - questions.


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I recently got a pair of Our Legacy classic chinos, both the cords and the khaki ones and while they fit great, I think I need to get them taken in a few spots. I've never had anything tailored before. Assuming I have a reputable tailor in question, what's the process like? Should I just go in and tell them how I want them to fit? What's the cost of doing something like this?

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You go in, you put the pants on and tell the dude what your problem with them is, then he puts a few pins in here and there to fix those problems and then you go "hey these look sweet as fuck now" and then you leave (remember to get out of the pants first). Then you return in a few days to pick up your shit.

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Cost will depend on what he has to do. Do you wanna slim the legs, recut the waist and crotch or do anything else more drastic or just cut them shorter? Make sure the tailor does it your way not the way he likes them.

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