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Urban vs. Rural


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Who's lived in both? Compare/contrast? There's a large part of me that wants to move out into the sticks on the west coast, hear the beach, climb some trees/mountains, shoot/eat some elk, and say fuck the rest of the world... but I'm curious whether this sort of lifestyle just seems perfect in theory or if it would actually be fulfilling. Who's gone cow-tippin?

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Its mostly just personal preference, but I've got to say I've lived both life styles and I much prefer urban life. Sure, there are times when I just want to go back to a completely rural life style and relax, but its not quite that simple. Theres always complications and aside from spring/summer the weather conditions usually suck....As for hunting if your not experienced its going to be difficult e.t.c. I don't know the list piles on, but after living both ways I pretty much hate rural life. Just my two cents...sorry it was a little scattered haha..If you have a specific question you wanna ask me go ahead.

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For four months of the year I live/work in the middle of nowheres in the woods and its a blast. Alot less stress and alot less people (most people are stupid and piss me off) and alot less traffic/things going on. I love sitting around a nice camp fire,cooking trout that you just caught, smoking a joint and drinking a couple beers with some cool people way the fuck out in the woods and having nothing at all to worry about.

But I also like the city too. I think balance is the key. Its also nice getting out of the woods and going to the city.

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Lived in a 500 person town in New Hampshire all the way up until 07 when I moved to Philly. I much prefer the Urban lifestyle, but its always nice to visit and chill out for a week or so.

I could see myself settling down there in 30 years, but for now I'm happy where I am.

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I went to Philly one time to help pace someone through the marathon. I liked the city quite a bit. I prefer the coast, though. My idea of rural definitely involves mountains and a beach nearby. Pacific northwest style...maybe BC. I'll end up in that area regardless of whether I got urban or rural, because I love the mild weather, landscape, and MJ

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  Dioxic said:
... Theres always complications and aside from spring/summer the weather conditions usually suck....As for hunting if your not experienced its going to be difficult e.t.c. I don't know the list piles on, but after living both ways I pretty much hate rural life....

the problem with living in such artificial and convenient environments is that many of us are unable to appreciate beauty while in a state of slight discomfort..........

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Human beings came from the wild and will return to the wild eventually... unless the inevitable happens and the entire globe is covered over in a wave of cement, wires, cables, tubes, and plastic looking like our beloved Tokyo. No more will Indigo (our souls)end up on horsebacks, trees, or snow. The indigo children will try to stop this at all cost but some of them, most of them will get caught up and just end up living in a box with one or two windows maybe a big window with a deck and they will think they are the lucky ones. At least we should admit that.

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Yea, I went out to Colorado about a half hour outside of Steamboat Springs in the middle of nowhere for work in the fall, and that's what got me thinking about all this. I was working out at this house going up that had a river flowing right behind it, mountains everywhere, about a half mile from a national park. I'd never gotten to experience that type of environment before, and I found it to be quite enjoyable. That doesn't mean I want to live there every day, but I've definitely thought about it and still continue to. And now, these Quoddy boots I just got be makin me wanna go kill some bears.

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