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To all the yellow fever white guys!


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  dovo said:
Although I do love Asian women and the majority of my gf's have been asian. I think I has pussy fever. If it looks good im in. I dont really care about black white yellow brown purple w/e; Vagina is my favorite flavor.

agreed, there are attractive people in every ethnicity.

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  dovo said:
Although I do love Asian women and the majority of my gf's have been asian. I think I has pussy fever. If it looks good im in. I dont really care about black white yellow brown purple w/e; Vagina is my favorite flavor.

u korny mothafucka

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I seen a few of these couples today at work. Thing is the yellow fever guys went for the asian girls with great titties. Saw the breasts before I saw the girl.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  headcoat said:

They pride themselves on distinguishing the differences between the various asian subraces and gleam with pride when they guess correctly. "Excuse me, I couldnt help noticing your subtle accent and facial structure, are you from Osaka by any chance?" They have adopted the asians' inherent racist hiearchy and thus favor the more prestigious ethnicities - Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese over Filipinos or Viets. They express their snobbery to those lesser rice-chasing white men who are too unsophisticated to realize the difference.

lol know someone who fits this to a t

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  DaBestSpoona said:
Can someone explain the fat asian girl\super skinny white guy phenomenon? fat asian girl doesnt nec mean big ol titties either.

I have never seen a fat asian female in my life.

But: skinny for males is totally the equivalent to fat for females. Kinda.

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  SDES said:

Back in the day, there was this lanky white dude who had a chubby azn gf/mistress (with E cup titties or sumin, always had them out).

They were both really good at Soul Calibur II ...


^ This was actually at the Sunnybank Plaza Funhouse arcade, and I see plenty of FAGz (Fat Azn Gurlz) at uni.

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  • 1 year later...

Such a phenomenon at my uni...

White girls got boring for ya'll? I kinda' don't blame you

Edited by PRC.
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  On 8/17/2008 at 5:03 AM, Junetastic said:

i'm a white fever yellow guy.

Way late coming into this but all the power to you "white fever yellow guy". I'm sure you know what you are up against.

According to a few MIT economists who had nothing better to do, you would need to make $247,000 more on average than a white guy (everything else being equal) to score a white girl on an internet dating site.

Conversely, to score an Asian girl, the white guy gets a $24,000 credit over you. That is everything else being equal, a white guy who makes $38,500 is as desireable as an Asian guy who makes $62,500 for an Asian gal trolling these North America internet sites.

This was a 2006 study so hopefully things have changed.

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