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New Slim Jims : Do they stretch out?


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Just got a pair of SJ 27x32s, and they are a tight fit around the waist right now. If I could get the waist to give 1-1.5 inches, it would be godlike. My regular ralf 28s got really huge, so thats why I sized down for the slim jims. This is day 2, and I can only wear em around the house for a couple of hours before I have to take them off.

pics :



i need to get some converses, i know

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Just got a pair of SJ 27x32s, and they are a tight fit around the waist right now. If I could get the waist to give 1-1.5 inches, it would be godlike. My regular ralf 28s got really huge, so thats why I sized down for the slim jims. This is day 2, and I can only wear em around the house for a couple of hours before I have to take them off.

pics :



i need to get some converses, i know

--- Original message by chim on Oct 25, 2005 10:38 AM

I'd say my Jim's stretched about an inch after a few days. Do some heavy wear like go wear them to the gym or something and they should stretch right out.
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26 in diesel zathans, 28 in luckys, 27-28 in nudies, 27 in loomstate

--- Original message by chim on Oct 25, 2005 11:26 AM

You should be fine then. From what I can see in the pic, mine actually looked tighter on me when brand new, but they have definitely stretched a bit.

ask a cassowary

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Yo chim, i'm actually having the same prob with my ralf's (dry selv), i sized down cause i got the svens and they're stretching a lil bit (still look sikk, i kinda like the little-bit-baggy fit, but neway, ya so i went down from 32 to 30, and they fit ok, but ti'd be nice if they stretched out some more. worn em for like a week ish? how long did urs take b4 they fully stretched out?


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