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Guest dontcaretoomuchforcrap

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Guest dontcaretoomuchforcrap

i was talking today with a firend about how the internet and the whole techno boom has reall impacted life.

her side was that it would be a lot better without this expectation for immediate resposnse.

i think the more striking thing though is that we'd have more free time/

the internet has opened endless doors, but it sucks in so many ways.

so since i really don't know life before computers, cells, all that stuff, whats your take?

good or bad?

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don't know how life was before internet etc., but people who've experienced those times say it was as good as it is now, they never had all this high tech stuff so they didn't miss it obviously and right now i think internet is a great thing, access to so much info etc. in seconds, it has created a whole new world, and more free time depends on u're self, u can just switch your computer off for a while

''Don't be afraid to do stupid things, cause íf things wouldn't be stupid, everyone would be doing those things ''.

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people are getting lazier. here in canada you don't have to get off your ass to do groceries shopping. they will deliver it for you. you just order online. it is too convenient. cell phones are great for communication tools. period. just to say hi and hello. not your whole life story.

it is sad that the future generation will not know where milk and apples and oranges will come from.

the eclipse is nigh

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Quote: it is sad that the future generation will not know where milk and apples and oranges will come from.

Hyperbole I'm sure, but I think the origins of these will be eternally obvious.

Technology and progress is here to stay. Adapt or it will pass you by. If that is your prerogative, so be it. It is your choice. You don't have to join in on the fun (but of course you are using the internet now, so clearly you are part of this technology age).

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i am saying : everything in moderation. balance it out. i know that there are young people out there that are on the computer all day or for 3 to 4 hours straight. this is too much. get out and have a walk or do something with a human being. interact and develop some social skills. go to your local petting zoo and touch something alive instead some buttons on the computer.

everything in moderation.

the eclipse is nigh

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yeah i feel what doom is saying,

as for me, i spend time behind my computer but not to much, i play soccer on a panna ko field everyday and i play sports etc. and go out with friends and stuff, but i think that goes for most people, i do know some freaks on my school who spend all their free time behind their computer playing games, they don't have friends only on internet etc. i think that is really sad cause u miss all the good stuff and you live in this fake world

''Don't be afraid to do stupid things, cause íf things wouldn't be stupid, everyone would be doing those things ''.

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I still have a friend who doesn’t use the internet, has no e-mail address and has never owned a cell phone.

Of course he's a stubborn, uneducated moron. And still a virgin at the age of 25. Coincidence? I think not.

And they used to say COMPUTERS were for nerds... Oh how the times have changed...


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people make too much of an issue of someone being a virgin. who the fuck cares? you are still a normal person! do you function differently whether you are a virgin or not? if you were a professional athlete, would you score more goals as a virgin? totally unrelated.

the eclipse is nigh

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I'm sorry but there IS some sort of stigma to any person older than 25 living in Southern California who is a virgin.

Don't get your feelings hurt. I'm just saying. Even the ugliest of dudes can get laid. By the way, dude isn't religious either. In case you might try and pull that card.


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its funny cuz i just had an assignment about this...

well from what i learned, people are starting to have many online "communities" and such like this one that its taking away from real face-to-face socialization. like before television, people would be mad cool with their neighbors n shit cuz they would hang out on their front steps, but now, i don't know who the hell my neighbors are cuz im home watching tv. and a/c contributed to this too cuz in the summer they would hibernate inside n stuff.. well anywayz they're saying that the internet is now going to isolate all of us even more, well in reality that is, and that we are going to join in online comminties more. i could elaborate more but im lazy.. hehe

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its funny cuz i just had an assignment about this...

well from what i learned, people are starting to have many online "communities" and such like this one that its taking away from real face-to-face socialization. like before television, people would be mad cool with their neighbors n shit cuz they would hang out on their front steps, but now, i don't know who the hell my neighbors are cuz im home watching tv. and a/c contributed to this too cuz in the summer they would hibernate inside n stuff.. well anywayz they're saying that the internet is now going to isolate all of us even more, well in reality that is, and that we are going to join in online comminties more. i could elaborate more but im lazy.. hehe

--- Original message by baldy on Oct 17, 2005 08:03 PM

I understand completely. Thanks to the Internet, I don't really even feel the need to leave my house - not only do I not have to pay for gas, food, admission fees, etc., I also don't have to deal with people face-to-face. It's not necessarily a good thing, though...
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  • 2 years later...

with all this talk about a downhill economy and gloomy future I thought I'd revive this thread with some positive aspects about the future.

With talks about a new touch screen Mac coming out and the HP Touchsmart already in stores I thought I'd look into touch based technology.

A friend of mines was talking to me the other day about this Microsoft project called The Surface. I'm sure a few of you have heard of it and if not I've provided some links and info about this product.

The Surface




here are some video's i've found about The Surface:




If you watched the first two videos it basically tells you about the capabilities of The Surface. It's a touch screen/multi-touch computer that's in the form of a table. It doesn't use a mouse, keyboard. What I like most about this is that it picks up on wifi signals and transfers the data without using a usb cord which I think is neat and as a few of the videos and pictures demonstrated it's purpose is to bring people together rather than spliting them apart. It's already starting to be releases to business's and they say within 5-6 years it'll be ready for individuals to purchase. I believe one of the videos said these were priced at $10,000 a piece?

What I want to know is if The Surface can pick up multiple wifi objects like computers, phones, and mp3 players and transfer information from one to another all at once?

How far can they take this product?

In the future can we eliminate all remotes and cords and stick strictly to wifi?

The Surface use's camera's to record and anticipate your actions but will it eventually integrate with a fax, printer and scanner? As in are we going to be able to scan images on the surface and view and edit them sort of like an advanced Microsoft Word?

Will we eventually eliminate the table and have holograms?

Is this the first step towards interactive porn?

a few questions that came up while I was researching The Surface.

if any of you had a few questions or suggestions about technology that could possible change the way we live day to day life it'd be great if we could get a discussion rolling.

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man, i didn't get my first cell phone until i was like .. 17? and i was one of the first kids to have one .. i thought i was hot shit. now i see fucking 7 year old kids on blackberries and it just baffles me.

it seems like kids just suck these days, period. back in the day if i wanted to have fun i'd go outside and sneak cigarettes with friends and look at porn mags from our hidden stash. then we'd go play kickball or street hockey until dark and come home all bruised up and bleeding, but with a feeling of satisfaction. and my parents were ok with it ... as long as i told them where i was going and i came back when i said i would, everything was cool.

i feel like parents are just way too overprotective of their kids nowadays and they are enabling them to be so fucking lazy. everday i walk around and see so many fat little fucking kids stuffing their faces with junk food their mom gave them so they (the mom's) don't have to hear them bitch about whatever. even tv shows for kids are so fucking wack. teletubbies? are you fucking joking me? back in the day i had my pete & pete, ren & stimpy, and rocko's modern life and that shit was ill.

i don't know, alot of shit just pisses me off but when i see how much fucking lazy technology has made everybody i just get sick to my stomach. i feel like i'm about to have a falling down moment any day now.


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