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  • 3 weeks later...

Bought it from Amazon used and it still hasn't arrived. I'm beginning to suspect that it may not. If I get over to Borders anytime soon I'll just pick up a new copy and read it - I'm a fast reader so I bet I can finish it the next week. I'll try and get it this weekend.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hit the 1/3rd mark. "infinite jest" is fucking right, never before have I been jerked around so hard by an author. you wish he was alive and within reach so you could call him and say "by the way, I SKIPPED THAT REALLY LONG END NOTE!" but you know he wouldn't care anyway, which is what makes it really frustrating.

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  • 1 month later...

So I finally finished shame today,

when omar was shot the first time I didn't care because he tried to confess, but then when he was still alive I was glad for some reason. When sufiya chomped his head off however I didn't know what to think. but it was a great ending.

Besides a couple of slow spots a little after the midway point I don't know why this book took me 4+ months to read, Book V was :eek: with rushdie's exploration of alternate realities and everything. sad about raza tho

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  Clopek said:
Hit the 1/3rd mark. "infinite jest" is fucking right, never before have I been jerked around so hard by an author. you wish he was alive and within reach so you could call him and say "by the way, I SKIPPED THAT REALLY LONG END NOTE!" but you know he wouldn't care anyway, which is what makes it really frustrating.

The thing is, he would care. He cared more than any other author you could consider a contemporary.

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  • 1 year later...

I've read gravities rainbow but would definitely bust it out for a discussion / would join in if people pick another book. Reading The Savage Detectives / White Noise / Infinte Jest right now. Almost done with the first two, about halfway through infinite jest and saving the rest for plane rides in the next month or two.

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Picked up HC 1st ed of White Noise at a garage sale when I was about 14. Had no idea who Delillo was, and had never read any heavy lit. Needless to say, it blew me away. Want to read it again soon.

Savage Detectives is also on my shelf, but 2666 took almost all of a weekend away, and then a few several-hour sessions...

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i met teh producers of the cosmopolis film the other day, they came into my work with pual giamatti, im pretty pumped to see that film realized even if i have to endure RPAT for it. i think white noise was my first delillo, but it may have been great jones street.

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