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Helmut Lang jeans for sale:Not your typical Helmut Lang jeans


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We all know Helmut Lang to be the master of minimalism but here are some rare jeans that are not the typical HL style. These are used jeans I think but I have never worn them since I got way too many stuff (I got 3 blacked waxed HL jeans alone). Will post my other Helmut Lang ‘plainer’ jeans if I got the time.

1. Black ‘Pop’ Size 29 US$100

2 Brown Wool jeans with white rubbery paint on it. US$200

This has some polyamide inner lining.

Prices will exclude postage which will be from Singapore.

Postage to USA, add USD 20. This does not include insurance, which will be separate.

Rest assured I do not aim to stiff buyers by putting up high postage, insurance & handling charges.

Sorry I cannot hold stuff for people due to too many who flaked out. Whoever wants it, fastest fingers first.

BTW my negative rep got nothing to do with my veracity as a seller. I am a recent seller here but over the past year or so, I have purchased many stuff from many people here with no problems.

For waist its done with jeans buckled and measured from the inside. I believe this will make it more accurate. Of course jeans have some stretch in it.

Pictures in next post. Please feel free to ask about pictures or measurements but dont ask me to wear em because my legs, thighs and ass are bigger than a normal person who wears size 30 jeans like me.

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