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i know analog already made a thread, but it wasnt very succesful. and a thread like this is better off in superculture anyways.

im currently geeked about irivers new spinn.




im really hoping that it has at least a micro sd slot. it would be awesome if it had a standard sd card slot.

i was really hyped when it first came out, because i thought it would be both touchscreen and tactile, but its not. oh well.

currently have a cowon d2, which does a really good job at what it does.

also waiting for lenovos t500 to be released.


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  geekbonchic said:
I saw someone with the Kindle yesterday and was supremely interested. I mean I love the solid feel of real books, but the idea is just too good to dismiss. Also, I didn't realize how fucking light it is.

One of the things I liked the most was the screen, it's not like a monitors screen where your eyes get all fucked after reading on it for a bit. Biggest thing stopping me from buying it is the price, and the placement of some of the buttons on it. Also I know the second generation will be less expensive and have better functionality.

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Two of the biggest gripes that I read about are that the page turning buttons are oversized and in a location that make it easy for you to accidently hit one. And this is just made more annoying by the fact that page turning is an "event" that takes a few seconds, it isn't instantaneous. Also I think the page backwards button is larger than the page forward button?

Actually the very first product review is pretty informative and highlights the Kindle's improvement from other e-readers and it's short comings.

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